Friday, November 16, 2018

American Horror Story Apocalypse Episode 7 "Traitor" Review

With her powers waning, Cordelia enlists the help of Coco to bring justice for the coven and take the first step in stopping Michael.

This was a really interesting episode that had a lot of really great moments to it and it was so much fun to watch and see how everything worked out. It was really interesting how this episode just focused on the witches and how they planned and plotted to stop Michael. I really loved what they did with Bubbles in this episode and the introduction conversation between Bubbles and Madison was really great and I loved the tie back to the killer Santa from season 2 in Bubbles film that she is working on. Then the scene with Bubbles and Myrtle looking into what the Warlocks were planning was really great with them having this dinner to converse and have Bubbles read the Warlocks mind and they did such a great job of keeping the attention away from Bubbles as she worked. Then the moments with Cordelia was really great with her attempting to make a deal with Papa Legba to trap Michael but not going through with it because she doesn't want to sacrifice her girls. but I'm curious to see if Papa Legba will come back at some point when the other witches do all die at the hands of Michael. Then It was interesting how they finally chose Mallory as the new supreme but I do wish they would have shown her going through all the seven wonders because all they really showed was one when she used vitalum vitalis when she brought John Henry back. Yes, I could see them doing a bit of a combination of the Seven Wonders in her bringing John Henry back but still I would have liked to see it individually. Then everything around the Warlocks and them creating a plan to stop the witches were fun with how it was all shown and it made it funnier with how the witches stopped it. Then everything with Coco was just funny with her powers growing and Cordelia asking her to help track down Ms. Mead was great with them essentially using Coco as the decoy to distract Ms. Mead. The whole burning ceremony was really great with how they stuck to traditions on how a witch can't kill a warlock so John Henry stepping in to run the show was really fun. Then just overall this was a really fun episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next.   

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