Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 6 "Death Is Only Temporary" Review

An aging tycoon asks Magnum to find his lost love, who supposedly died 30 years ago; Rick and TC meet an injured fellow vet who is having a hard time adjusting to civilian life.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that had so many fun moments and it was just really interesting to see how everything played out. Everything with the case was really interesting with how the tycoon got this message from a lost love and he hires Magnum to see whether this truly is the women or if it is just spam. Then how the actual people planned out to hide from the cameras and use just the right amount of information to prove themselves as this women was really great especially with how they stumbled upon this information on this women by finding her dead body. Then the actual murder of this women was interesting where she leaves but tried to get back in contact with the tycoon when she discovers she is pregnant but the friend of the tycoon drives her away because the tycoon just recently married the fiend's sister. And a course the murdered women and the friend get into a fight leading to an accident and she dies and the friend decided to cover it up and hide her body. Then how Higgins played into all this was nice with her being the support for the tycoon whenever his dementia started to act up. Then everything with Rick and TC was some really great moments where they were trying to befriend this other vet and the vet just wanted none of it and he thought no one would fully understand. And all the conversations between all of them was so interesting with them talking about how you never fully get over the trauma you just learn to work past it. Then what TC decided to do for the vet was a nice way to end their story where TC offered the vet a mechanic job similar to that the vet wanted before going to war. Then just overall this was a really great episode that had so many entertaining moments to it. 

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