Thursday, November 1, 2018

American Horror Story Apocalypse Episode 6 "Return to Murder House" Review

After being sent to the "Murder House" to gather information on Langdon's past, Madison and Behold discover a horrifying secret about the next Supreme.

This was such an amazing and great episode that was so entertaining to watch and I just loved it so much. The episode did an amazing job of telling its own story as well as bringing back a lot of the unresolved elements from the murder house season. Everything around Moria was really great with her finally getting her happy ending and escaping the murder house and being reunited with her family. Then I really loved how they told the story of how Michael's life was like growing up and how his relationship with Constance and the rest of his murder house family ended. I also found it interesting how they chose to explain Michael's sudden change in age where overnight he went from being eight to eighteen because it was finally time for him to start his work ending the world. Everything around Michael and Ben was really great with Ben actually trying to give Michael a chance to be a kid and be good but over time Michael's evil nature took over more and more and Ben chose to give up on Michael which was just sad. Then Vivien choosing to try and kill Michael was interesting with how they chose to show it. And the church of Satin showing up after following all the signs that Michael was putting out was a really interesting way for them to make the full connection between Michael and his father as well as introduce Ms. Mead to Michael. Then the storyline around Tate and Violet was interesting and weird with them deciding to explain way all of Tate's action on the evilness in the house and that Tate is relatively fine now because all that evilness left with Michael. That seems like such a weak way to try and make Tate's actions seem okay and make it okay for Violet to love Tate again. I do like how strong-willed Violet was that she was willing to hold up her side and keeping ignoring Tate all these years until the end of this episode. Then just overall this was a really amazing and well-done episode that was so much fun to watch and see how everything turned out and I'm so excited to see what will happen next.

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