Sunday, November 18, 2018

Supergirl Season 4 Episode 3 "Man of Steel" Review

The story of how Ben Lockwood became Agent Liberty is told.

This was a really great episode that was so interesting and fun to watch and I really loved how they just only focused on the villain and how he got there. I really enjoyed seeing Ben's whole story where at first he wanted to work alongside aliens but after so many times of aliens ruining his life and not being held accountable for it he finally snapped and that was just amazing to see those gradual shifts as time went on. It was especially great to see that one major turning point for him which was when the Daxomites attacked and during the fight, Ben's family house got burned down and they lost everything, it was just great to see that shift in his attitude from that point on. Then seeing his gradual growth in followers around his anti-alien agenda was really interesting especially with how the Graves fit into that. Everything with Lena was also really interesting where she cut off the Lockwood family from her work going with a different steel company instead and that being a defining decision that causes the family to begin to spiral. Then Ben and Lena's whole conversation at the funeral was just a great moment to show how much Ben had changed. Then just overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode and I'm very curious to see what they're going to do next now that Supergirl is stuck in that suit. 

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