Friday, November 2, 2018

Charmed Season 1 Episode 2 "Let This Mother Out" Review

After getting a message from the spirit board to not trust Harry, the sisters are conflicted and ultimately concoct a plan.

This was a really interesting episode that was really entertaining to see how everything played out. It was kind of annoying to see how the sisters continued to refuse to work together and decide to create a majority rules style of doing things but them none of them choose to follow the majority when they were the odd one out. It was fun to see them create a truth serum to try and figure out more information on Harry and see what he has planned. Then I also enjoyed how the girls were afraid to say Harry's name because every time they did he would pop up so all the silly little nicknames they used for him instead was fun. And it was interesting how they chose to show the truth serum where it accidentally got in the hands of Mel's girlfriend instead of Harry and all the secrets that Mel found out from her girlfriend and I found it interesting how Mel was willing to set aside the information she learned because it was information that she wasn't supposed to know. Then everything else in this episode with Mel was kind of annoying with her refusing to listen to her sister and deciding to contact the possible spirit of her mother and then she was just really annoying with how she bossed the rest of her sisters around and refused to listen to them and made pretty much all the mistakes in this episode. Then everything with Macy was interesting with her being the one to notice the new threat coming for them and all her interactions with Harry were interesting. Then Maggie in this episode was great by the end of this episode where her powers did come in handy to help defer between her mother and the monster even though her sister refused to listen to her. Then the prism that was introduced in this episode seems like it will be a big problem in the future because why aren't the monsters going after this prism to steal the girl's powers instead of going after the girls and failing because the girls are more powerful than the monster. Then just overall this was a really interesting episode and it was really entertaining to watch. 

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