Sunday, November 18, 2018

Midnight Texas Season 2 Episode 1 "Head Games" Review

A new hotel rocks the Midnighters stability; Manfred deals with the consequences of 'taking-in' six demons.

This was a really great and interesting first episode that had so many great moments and it did a nice job of setting up some events to come. Everything around the new hotel was really interesting with the Midnighters not being sure what to think about the new owners especially when it is revealed that one of the owners Kai has the ability to heal people. Then the whole relationship problems in this episode was a little weird and boring where Olivia and Lamb are dealing with there phycological connection getting in the way of them being there own person and Bobo and Fiji dealing with what to do in their blossoming relationship. Then everything with Manfred in this episode was some of the best moments where he is dealing with these weird blackout sleepwalking moments where it appears like he is planning on killing his friends. The return of Manfred's grandmother was also a nice touch in this episode to have someone on his side helping him out and the eventual truth that she was just a hallucination due to the sickness affecting him was so great. But I do wish that his grandmother would come back somehow because she was really great last season with her commentary that helped out Manfred ever now and again. And the actual thing affecting Manfred was interesting where he had this weird almost darkness cancer that was growing in him as an after effect of taking in all those demons and the cancer is spreading quickly and will soon kill him. Then how that rest of the Midnighters actually figured out what was going on with Manfred and how they managed to find a way to help him was all really well done in how it was shown. Then I'm really curious to see what will happen now that Creek has left because for the most part she was the only real human in the town and that was really entertaining to me. And just overall this was a really great first episode and I'm really excited to see what will happen next. 

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