Thursday, March 30, 2017

Legion Season 1 Episode 8 "Chapter 8" Review

David faces his biggest challenge yet.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that didn't really have a lot to it but it was still so interesting to watch everything play out. I liked how David is now more in control of his powers and is using them more frequently now. It was really interesting how they brought back the one guy who was interrogating David at the begging of this season and had a whole chunk of this episode dedicated to what happened to this guy after David left. I loved the conversation between this guy and Melanie about David and how powerful he truly is all the while all the other people are listening in on this conversation. I really liked how because the Shadow King could no longer talk to David it instead switched over to talking to Syd. And the scene where they are working to get the Shadow King out of David was really interesting but also a little boring at first with David just traveling back through all his memories to see how the Shadow King was never really there. The ending was awesome with the Shadow King leaving David and traveling through almost all of them at some point. And I knew that somehow the Shadow King had to end up inside of Oliver because they had to have brought him back for a reason. And just overall this was a really entertaining and great episode to watch and I can't wait for next year to watch some more.        

Arrow Season 5 Episode 18 "Disbanded" Review

Diggle and Felicity are shocked by Oliver's decision to ask the Bratva for help in taking down Prometheus.

This was a really interesting episode that wasn't all that exciting but it still was really entertaining to watch. I liked how Oliver didn't want to be the Green Arrow but he still had this desire to take down Adrian so he went and brought the Bratva in to do the dirty work and try and do something that Adrain wouldn't suspect. And with that I liked how they came up with many different things that Adrain wouldn't suspect in the in the attempt to take him down, the main one being a picture of Adrain in the Prometheus costume without the mask on. It was kind of fun to watch Felicity and Curtis working without the rest of the group to try and unscramble that picture and get it out to the public. I loved how John never gave up on trying to convince Oliver that he isn't a bad guy and destroying everything he built is a really bad idea. I especially loved the scene where John makes the connection of how he was acting at the beginning of the season being similar to how Oliver is acting now and john isn't going anywhere just like Oliver did for him. All the issues between Oliver and the Bratva were really interesting to watch it all play out, and I can't wait to see what kind of trouble that will bring in the future. And just overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode to watch and with how it ended with Adrian I'm so excited to see what will happen next.       

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Flash Season 3 Episode 18 "Abra Kadabra" Review

The Flash fights a villain from Earth-19 called Abra Kadabra, who offers to reveal Savitar's identity in exchange for his release.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that had a lot of really great moments in it. I really liked how they dealt with the decision of whether or not to free Kadabra in order to get information on Savitar. And I liked it because it really wasn't up to Barry but rather it was Joe just trying to protect his family and keep them all alive. It was really interesting how Gypsy played into the mix and when they finally gave a reason as to why she hates Kadabra so much. It was a little weird to me how the tried to keep what Kadabra was planning a secret when to me it was kind of obvious from the beginning that if he was from the future he would be working to try and get back there. I loved the whole team up with everyone with powers out in the city trying to stop Kadabra from returning to the future. I feel really bad for Caitlin and Julian in this episode with how many times they got hurt by Kadabra. But the moments with Caitlin in this episode were really great with her refusing to use her cold powers to heal herself so the rest of the team had to find ways to help her. And the ending where she finally had to give into her cold power was great and I'm excited to see what they will do next with her. And just overall this was a really great episode and I'm excited to see what they will do with Barry going into the future.      

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 17 "Distant Sun" Review


Aliens attack National City with the intention of collecting a large bounty put out on Supergirl.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that had some really great moments to it. I liked that Mon-El's mother was kind of working on her own to get all that she wants. And I have a really hard time understanding how much Mon-El's mother loved him but she also refused to listen to him and what he wanted. I wish they could have shown more than just two bounty hunters coming after Kara, but the two they did show were really cool. I really liked how they brought the idea of the president back into the mix in this episode by haveing her issues orders that the DEO can not attack the Daxam ship. I loved the scene where Mon-El brings his parents to the bar where he works and their whole conversation there was really fun. The final fight between the Daxamite's and Supergirl and her friends were really fun to watch how everyone played into that fight. I liked how they brought the idea of Daxam being littered with kryptonite after Krypton exploded by having Mon-El's mother have several kryptonite daggers on her. Then the ending for Mon-El's mother was very interesting and I'm excited to see what they will do with her next. And just overall this was a really great and fun episode to watch. 

Monday, March 27, 2017

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 14 "Page 23" Review

Believing there isn't room in Storybrooke for both her and Regina, the Evil Queen sets out to eliminate her other half. Hook, determined to make things work with Emma, turns to his old friend Captain Nemo for advice, but Gideon torpedoes the plan before he's able to set things right.

This was such a boring and pointless episode that was really unneeded. Because they brought back the Evil Queen at the end of the last episode just to completely get rid of her in this episode. With that, I'm very happy that they got rid of Robin as well because that was another pointless story line. And how they chose to get rid of the Queen is just why? Because I would have been fine if they just killed her or had her be absorbed back into Regina those would have been fine ideas but going and sending her away to have her own happy ending is just why? I did like how they chose to show Emma finding out about Hooks secret because it was kind of simple and not just someone else figuring it out. And I really liked that they brought Nemo back into the mix to help Hook out. The ending for Hook was kind of surprising and I wonder how that might affect the future because in Emma's vision Hook was there so if he is not maybe that will help change the future. And just overall this was not the greatest of episodes and kind of a pointless one.  

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Legion Season 1 Episode 7 "Chapter 7" Review

David tries to find a way out of his predicament.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that was so great to watch and see how they all escaped from David's mind. I really liked how they decided to take the astral plane idea with Oliver being in control of it and can create anything in the to block the monster in David's mind, but then also this monster pretty much has its eyes on every part of the astral plane and knows where everyone is. And I really liked how this episode was broken up into three really great story plots, one being Syd going around trying to collect everyone, another was Cary, Melanie, and Oliver trying to fin a way out without anyone dying, and finally David is trying to regain control of his mind. I really liked the idea of the glasses Syd got helped show the truth from all the illusions. I still want to know what happened to The Eye that he went all crazy and who is he, but with how this episode ended it is very unlikely we will know that. And I loved when part of this episode kind of went into a silent movie style with text coming in instead of them actually talking when Kerry and Syd had to face the monster. And I loved the scene where David comes up a way to escape and get his mind back but also works through what is true in his life through a bunch of chalkboard drawings. I liked that they kind of hinted at and confirmed that Professor X is David's father, so I'm excited to see what they will do there. The final reveal of the monster in David's head being the Shadow King is kind of cool and I can't wait to see where they will go with that. And just overall this was a really entertaining and great episode to watch and I can't wait to see what they will do for the season finale.    

Arrow Season 5 Episode 17 "Kapiushon" Review

Prometheus goes to extreme lengths to destroy Oliver. In flashbacks, Oliver's violent tendencies come to a head in a confrontation with Anatoly.

This was a really interesting and great episode that I really loved the fact that it only focused on Oliver. It was also really great how this episode was mostly backstory and an actual really interesting backstory compared to some other episodes where the backstory felt random and unnecessary. And it was interesting what happened to Kovar and how Oliver grew into a monster. I liked they gave a little moment of Oliver getting the tattoo for the Bratva and showed the growing relationship between Oliver and Anatoly. Prometheus's whole interrogation scenes were interesting with all the different things Prometheus did to mess with Oliver. I liked that they brought Evelyn back in this episode but I don't like what they did with her because I was willing to accept her back into Team Arrow. It was a little annoying how undetailed Prometheus was with his questions because he just kept saying to Oliver over and over again "Tell me your secret," and what does that mean exactly. Now when Oliver finally did tell Prometheus what he wanted to hear it was very interesting but also not all that surprising to me. I'm very curious to see what they are going to do now that Oliver doesn't want to be the Green Arrow anymore and wants Team Arrow to stop. And just overall this was a really great episode that was so entertaining and interesting to watch.

The Flash Season 3 Episode 17 "Duet" Review

The Music Meister sends Supergirl and the Flash to the world where life is a musical and the only way to escape is to sing and dance.

This was a really fun and entertaining episode that was really interesting to see how everything would play out. It was really interesting how everyone got together from both Supergirl and Flash to figure out what was going on. And I liked how Barry and Kara were dealing with living in this musical and the Music Meister seemed to just wander around Central City using their powers for his own goals. And all the songs in this episode were really fun and I liked who they chose to be a part of the musical world and how they were all connected together. And it was kind of cool how they pulled little bits of stories from several different musicals to make this musical world they were trapped in. The actual goal of the Music Meister seemed really weird because if he kind of just wanted Barry and Kara to be happy with people who loved them then why was he running around robbing banks and using their powers while they were unconscious. And I really don't like the idea of the Music Meister making them get back together into these couples because he was basically forcing it with life or death situations and that really isn't love that is just saving someone from dying. And just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode that was really great to watch.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 20 "Broken Wind" Review

While on a mission to repair a turbine at a wind farm, Team Scorpion must race to save Paige and Happy before the cable holding the gondola they are in snaps and sends them plummeting to the ground.

This was a really entertaining and fun episode to watch and it was really interesting to see how they eventually fixed all the problems they came across. I liked how they had a very smooth transition into a problem instead of the basic way some episode go where they stumble into a massive problem. And I liked how the teams were split up with Happy and Paige being trapped and Walter and Toby were keeping them from falling and Cabe and Sylvester were in charge of getting any supplies the rest of them team might need to help fix things. I liked how they had to deal with many different small problems to help fix the bigger one with smaller things like Happy and Paige needed to get rid of some extra weight on the gondola to make it rise better and the wind causing the cable to move around like a pendulum so they needed to find a way to stabilize Happy and Paige so they don't fall off. It did get a little annoying how much the planning for Happy and Toby's wedding kept being brought up, and it is really getting to the point for me where I just want them to get married so that story plot can end. I loved how Sylvester's gaming group and how the fact he just got knighted in the group helped everyone else out. And the ending where Cube decided to show up and be part of the group with Sylvester was so sweet. And just overall this was a really fun and interesting episode to watch.

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 16 "Star-Crossed" Review

Supergirl goes on high alert when a new villain comes to National City. In other events, Winn's new girlfriend gets him in trouble with the law and the Music Meister attacks.

This was a really interesting episode that was exciting to watch and had some fun moments to it. I knew the Mon-El had to be the prince of Daxam because when he told the original story of how he escaped the story seemed really brief and like it was missing something. I was kind of cool how Mon-El's parent's opinions of Kara never really changed throughout this episode no matter what Mon-El told them. And the whole dinner scene where the truth comes out of what actually happened was very interesting to watch how everyone interacted with each other. Then the moments with Winn were very interesting with happened between him and Lyra. I loved the scene where it shows Winn at the museum when a painting was stolen and Lyra is invisible to cameras so Winn looks like he is walking around like a crazy person. Then I have a hard time excepting the idea of Winn taking Lyra back after she faked their whole relationship in the first place and somewhere in there she kind of developed feelings. I liked how they made a few references to the Music Meister coming into this episode by having a conversation about musical and things like that. And the ending where the Music Meister actually shows up was so great with the mess that was made in just a couple of minutes. And I'm so excited to see what they will do with the Flash tomorrow. And just overall this was a really great and fun episode that was really entertaining to watch.   

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 13 "Ill-Boding Patterns" Review

When Gideon resumes his mission to kill Emma, Mr. Gold steps in to ensure the use of dark magic doesn't poison his son; Hook learns Emma has a secret; Beowulf targets Rumplestiltskin.

This was a really interesting episode that was entertaining to watch but not really all that exciting. I really liked how most of this episode focused on Rumple and getting to know a bit more of his back story and him helping out Gideon. I loved the introduction of Beowulf in this episode because his story was one of the few books in school I actually enjoyed reading and I was very interested to see what they would do with his story. I found it a little weird how no one in the village seemed to know that Rumple was the dark one until Beowulf brought it up. And I really liked what they did with Baelfire and him using the dagger to help his father make decisions. The parts about Gideon repairing the sword was interesting with all the things he had to do to fix it. But the idea of Rumple darkening his heart to make sure Gideon never has to darken his heart seems a little too weird and confusing for me to accept it as a reasonable solution. Then the moments with Hook in this episode were great with him struggling on whether or not he should tell Emma the truth about David's father. And with how this episode ended I wonder what will happen to him in the future when the truth does come out. And just overall this was a really interesting episode but it was also a little boring of one.     

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Legion Season 1 Episode 6 "Chapter 6" Review

David goes back to where it all started.

This was a really great episode that was so good with how the choose to do and show things. I really liked that this how episode mostly focused on the group being stuck in a mental hospital and each of them not fully believing everything around them is true. All the moment with Syd were especially great because every time she started to figure out the truth something would happen in this dream state to mess with her. And I really liked how each of the people eventually found a way somewhat out of the dream state to an area where they are in a little bit more control. The creature inside David's mind was also great with the whole montage moment they in the middle of this episode. And I really liked how they took everyone's mutations and made it into a mental problem that could be diagnosed. And I liked that even David's sister made it into the dream world by having her be a really mean nurse constantly bothering the rest of the group. I really want to know what is going on with The Eye because he seems even more messed up then the rest of them and I want to know how he plays into the rest of the story. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what the next episode will bring with how this episode ended for each of them.   

Arrow Season 5 Episode 16 "Checkmate" Review

Oliver gets closer to the truth about Prometheus; Helix refuses to continue helping Felicity until she does a favor for them.

This was a really interesting and great episode that was very entertaining to watch but it went a little different than how I was expecting it to go. I really like that Oliver finally knows that Adrian is Prometheus and things can get moving a bit more there. But as soon as Oliver found out Adrian's personality seemed to fully change which was a little weird that he didn't seem to try and hide it from anyone anymore. Then bringing Talia back into the mix was fun with her being mad at Oliver for killing her father. But I really do agree with Oliver that she is such a smart person why would she ever side with Adrian even if Oliver killed her father. It was interesting in the scene where Oliver and John break into Adrian's house and find his wife and try and explain to her what is going on before the SCPD break in. And how Adrian's wife played the rest of this episode was interesting but I don't think it was all the necessary. The ending between Oliver and Arian was really great with them fighting before Talia came in to take Oliver away. I'm so excited to see what team arrow will do now the Oliver is missing and what they will do to get him back. And I want to know what Adrian truly wants Oliver for that he kept bringing up throughout this episode that he didn't want to kill him. All the moments with Felicity and Helix was interesting with the favor of favor system they are running on and I wonder how that might come to bite Felicity in the future. And just overall this was an entertaining and great episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Flash Season 3 Episode 16 "Into the Speed Force" Review

Desperate to stop Savitar and save his friends, Barry turns to the speed force for answers; H.R. gives Jesse some advice.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that had a lot of really great moments to it. I really liked the idea of the speed force being mad at Barry for all the different things he did to mess with time, and the speed force is trying to stop him from getting Wally back because it thinks he is going to lie to them again. All the different things the speed force made Barry go through in the attempt to save Wally was really interesting with it bringing up all the different lives Barry has ruined. It was a little confusing how the speed force was mad at Barry but then it also still wanted Barry to leave the speed force and be a hero and stop Savitar in my mind the two things the speed force kept bringing up seem like two conflicting ideas. It was really cool how they brought Jay back into the mix and what they did to bring Wally back and get Jesse off of Earth 1 so that it can truly be up to just Barry to stop Savitar. Then I'm also confused on what they know about Savitar because I thought they already knew Savitar was just someone in super powered armor and not truly a "speed god" but I guess not because Jesse figured that out in this episode. It was cool how Savitar's armor is all magnetized together so it is always trying to be put back together and is able to be followed like a tracker. And just overall this was a really great and entertaining episode and I can't wait for the next episode which is a musical episode.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 19 "Monkey See, Monkey Poo" Review

To stop a dangerous virus from spreading, Team Scorpion must locate a rare endangered monkey in the Amazon that has the antibody for the cure. Also, Toby and Happy see a counselor.

This was a really interesting and fun episode that had a lot of really entertaining moments to it. I liked the whole side story of Toby and Happy getting a counselor that made Toby focus on all the negative moments with Happy and keep track of them all. And it was fun to see all those moments be counted out here and there while they are out on a mission. Then the actual mission was fun with them running around trying to catch this one monkey and how they eventually got it was really fun and I liked how if kept popping up once and a while to help out. Then it was really interesting how they found the cure for this virus not in the monkey but in what it eats and all the problems they came across trying to get the fruit. Then the moments with Sylvester and Ralph back at the garage were really fun moments to have thrown in there where they are looking for a caterpillar that bit Sylvester. And just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 12 "Murder Most Foul" Review

Hook agrees to help David uncover the truth about his father, hoping to gain his respect; Regina discovers Robin has a dark side that may complicate his acclimation to life in Storybrooke.

This was a really interesting episode that wasn't all the exciting it was just a lot of side story that I didn't really care to see in the first place. All the moments between Robin and Regina went down basically the way I was expecting it to with her holding his hand through everything. The moment with Zelena popping up to tell Regina to keep Robin away from baby Robin was a little unnecessary and seemed to go from 0 to 100 in anger really quickly. I did really like the ending where Regina comes to the conclusion that maybe Robin didn't come through the portal for her but something else and that is a really interesting part of Robin's story that I kind of would be okay with seeing. Then all the moments with David were so weird with how David seemed like a completely different and selfish person that was dead set on this quest to find who killed his father. It was interesting to watch Hook follow David around and David treating him just like another old pirate. I did really like the flashbacks of David's father and him going on this quest to find James and bring him back home. Especially the scene where they go to pleasure island and run into Pinocchio and all the other problems around that. Then the twist ending of who actually killed David's father was really interesting and I can't wait to see how that will play out. And just overall this was a really interesting episode but I really hope that will get back to the main story sometime soon.  

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Legion Season 1 Episode 5 "Chapter 5" Review

David faces a new threat.

This was such a really great episode that did an amazing job at establishing things and pay attention to a high amount of detail. I really like how this whole episode they made David seem a bit off and had it seem like it was because he finally came into his power but I actually see it as he and this creature finally see eye to eye. And I really liked all the moments David is using his powers to get around and just creating and destroying everything around him. I liked the moments between Kerry and Cary where they are talking to each other and healing from the fight in the last episode. And I liked that the creature in David's head was kind of finally reviled as another being that has found its way inside of David and this creature is in charge of almost everything and is recreating memories for everyone. I really loved the scenes where the creature finally took over David and talked to his sister about the secret she has been hiding all these years. Which the idea of him being adopted and always being out of control is kind of cool for the fact the parent really had no idea what they were getting into. And the last like 15 minutes of this episode were so cool with the creature fully taken over David and everyone else trying to find a way to either help him or stop him and the creature is just messing with them the whole time. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next with how this episode ended.         

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Flash Season 3 Episode 15 "The Wrath of Savitar" Review

While training with Barry, Wally starts to have visions of Savitar, which he hides from the team. A dangerous secret threatens Barry and Iris' happiness.

This was a really interesting and exciting episode that was a little hard to follow at moments but it was still really entertaining to watch. I really liked the idea they had that Savitar's prison is the speed force and by throwing the Philosopher's stone into the speed force they basically handed it off to Savitar and gave him a means of escape. Then it was also cool how it was brought up that because Savitar is in the speed force he can only get into the minds of other speedsters, and it was interesting how Savitar messed with Wally and got him all confused on what to do. And the ending for Wally was interesting with the comment being made that if Savitar is out in the world someone else has to take his place in the speed force. Then the parts with Iris and Barry were kind of fun with them telling the rest of the group about their engagement and having Joe feel a little left out because Barry forgot to ask his permission. Then when the truth was reviled about why Barry purposed to Iris it was very interesting how she took it and I'm very curious to see how that will all work out for the two of them. All the moments where they went and talked to Savitar through Julian was kind of cool but also a little unnecessary. And just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode and now I can't wait to see what will happen next now the Savitar is free.   

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Matched by Ally Condie Review

In the Society, officials decide. Who you love. Where you work. When you die.
Cassia has always trusted their choices. It’s hardly any price to pay for a long life, the perfect job, the ideal mate. So when her best friend appears on the Matching screen, Cassia knows with complete certainty that he is the one…until she sees another face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black. Now Cassia is faced with impossible choices: between Xander and Ky, between the only life she’s known and a path no one else has ever dared follow—between perfection and passion.

This was a really interesting book that I originally decided to start because I am a huge fan of dystopian books and it has always been high on my recommendation page. It is a story about love and finding you place in the world. I did really like that, for the most part, the beginning chunk of this book didn't just revolve around Cassia complaining about not knowing who to choose. The second chunk, however, did get a little winning with Cassia not knowing what to do and who to pick. They also did a really good job at setting up the rules of this society and sticking to them. And I hear a lot of people comparing this book to The Giver and I can see where that branches from but a lot of the comparison are just from some of the things all dystopian books have. I really loved all the parts in this book where they shared lines from poems and made comparisons to things happening in Cassia's life like the line used throughout this whole book which was the idea of "do not go gentle into that goodnight". Some moments did feel a little dragged out like all the chapters dedicated to Cassia and Ky hiking, I understand it was supposed to be this special private place for the two of them to get away from society but there were so many it got long. I also really like that they managed to loop everything together nicely by the end of this book but I wish they didn't leave so much at the end open that you had to read the second book for closer instead it would have been better if they finished this book off and left a little open for those who wanted to continue but also have that ending for those who wanted to end there. I also really liked that this book gave subtle hint to things going wrong throughout the book and by the end, it was reviled what was actually going on in the society. And just overall this was a really great read.

And if you haven't read the book and want to you can click right here and it will take you to a playlist of me reading the whole book.

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 15 "Exodus" Review

Alex and Kara realize they must break the rules to foil Cadmus' latest plot.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that wasn't all the exciting but it was still cool to watch how everything turned out. I didn't really care for Kara's whole quest to get the word out on the aliens being taken by Cadmus. Kara just constantly going back and forth with Snapper was really annoying. And eventually how everything turned out was kind of interesting and now I'm curious to see what they will do with Kara now that she doesn't have a job because being Supergirl doesn't pay the bills. Then all the moments with Alex were really kind of stupid from J'onn tricking her to show her real emotion on her father to her somehow getting all the way into Cadmus and causing a lot of destruction. And the whole part with Jeremiah changing sides was not how I was expecting it to go because I kind of liked the idea of Jeremiah going bad and Alex and Kara have to deal with that. I did like the part at the bar where all the aliens were taken, they did a great job at making it look like an organized chaos. Then the ending moments between Alex and Kara was really cool with them trying to stop the spaceship from leaving earth. And that whole plan was really interesting with them deciding that just killing the aliens wasn't good enough so they decided to send them up into space and hope they find their own way back to their own planets. And just overall this was a really interesting and kind of entertaining episode.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 11 "Tougher Than the Rest" Review

With Snow still asleep in Storybrooke, David and Hook try to stop Gideon before he confronts Emma; Regina realizes that everyone is better off in the alternate world where the Evil Queen was defeated; Emma discovers the power to change her fate.

This was a really interesting episode that wasn't all that exciting but it was good for reintroducing everything since it has been quite a while since the last episode. I really enjoyed all the moments with Emma and Regina trying to escape the alternate world and all the different help they got in doing so. I really liked that they brought Pinocchio back because he is one of my favorite side characters and I liked that he had his own little story about gaining confidence and believing in yourself. Then I kind of like the thing that Emma realized in this episode which was if you believe hard enough anything can come true. Then bringing Robin Hood back I kind of have mixed feeling because I really like Robin Hood as a character but I also would kind of rather he stay dead because then there are fewer characters to jump between. And now we have to deal with him trying to fit into the life of the other Robin Hood, and that will just be a mess. The moments with David and Hook were interesting with their quest to save Emma. And Belle and Rumple trying to connect with their son was interesting with them seeming to have different plans in mind. But I do have to say overall this was a really interesting and okay episode to watch.        

Emerald City Season 1 Episode 10 "No Place Like Home" Review

The conflict between the witches and Oz come to a head. Langwidere is unmasked. Tip gets revenge and a crown but remains conflicted. Something wakens. Dorothy meets her past and gets sent home.

This was a really interesting episode that didn't fully go as I expected it to go but it also did a lot of things I was expecting. I really liked all the scenes where Ozma and West go to Emerald City and take it over. There were so many interesting moments in there about what kind of ruler Ozma will be which is one that is very powerful but not necessarily a killer. Then the conversation between Galinda and West was really interesting with how it all turned out but I don't think Galinda will stay hand to Ozma for very long. Then all the moments at the actual battle were interesting with how they chose to carry Dorothy by having her not fully on The Wizards side but she was more willing to more with him over Galinda. Then it was really cool when all the witches showed up in the form of a bunch of golden loci. And how the whole massacre turned out was interesting with how everything ended. The truth about Dorothy's mother is a little overdone for me and I feel they only really did it to connect everyone together. Who the actual Beast Forever is was very interesting with how they showed them becoming the best. And I really loved the scene where the Beast Forever flew over all the different people who represent the Lion, Scarecrow, and Tinman. Then the ending was very interesting but I also didn't care for it because she and Lucas really shouldn't team up again. But I do have to say overall this was a really exciting and great episode to end on for the season.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Legion Season 1 Episode 4 "Chapter 4" Review

David's in trouble, while his friends search for answers.

This was a really great episode that had some really interesting and entertaining moments it is as well as more great surprises. I really liked all the different narration that was going on in this episode from Syd narrating and not really being sure what is really and what is in David's mind to Dr. Baird narration at the beginning of this episode that was so good. I really liked seeing Syd, Ptonomy, and Kerry out searching for the truth about David and finding out some of the things in David's life are not real. And I really liked the idea that was brought up in this episode that David reimagined some of his memories to hide the truth even from himself. And just all the surprises that can along with David past were so good and I hope in the episodes to come some more truth will be reviled. Syd choosing to use her abilities to fight The Eye was fun with all the problems that arose from it. But I'm a little annoyed that they have yet to really explain what The Eye's power are because he isn't a character in the comics so he is a complete mystery and I want to know more about him. Then David being trapped in his own mind was very interesting with him meeting Dr. Baird and slowly going a little crazy. Then how he eventually got out of his mind and showed up to save his friends was really cool. And just overall this was a really cool and fun episode and now that only half of the first season remains I'm curious to see what they will do.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Arrow Season 5 Episode 15 "Fighting Fire with Fire" Review

When Vigilante attacks Oliver while he's acting as mayor, Diggle leads the team on a mission to stop Vigilante for good.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that had some really great surprises that I loved so much. I liked that this whole episode had Oliver without being the Green Arrow because he realized how hard it would be to run around as the Green Arrow at that time. Then the Vigilante attacking Oliver because of the fact of what he did to protect the Green Arrow was really interesting but a little confusing of a plot point to bring the Vigilante back into the mix. I really loved all the fight scenes between the Vigilante and the rest of team Arrow. Especially the final fight scene between them where we got to see Curtis's new inventions. Then I had a strong feeling that Adrian was either going to end up being the Vigilante or Prometheus because he seemed to be getting a lot more screen time as of late and he just seemed a little off, and I'm happy I was right about that assumption. Then Oliver making the decision to come out and blame the death of the detective on the Green Arrow was a really interesting move and I'm curious to know how that will eventually all turn out for him. Thea in this was really interesting with her doing more and more terrible things to cover for Oliver and protect him. Then the ending for Felicity was interesting with her going and joining this hacker group that is obsessed with her. And that seems like a really interesting side story I want to see what they'll do with. And just overall this was a really entertaining and great episode and I can't wait to see what will happen in the next one.    

The Flash Season 3 Episode 14 "Attack on Central City " Review

Grodd and his army bring their battle to Earth-1, which the team must find a way to stop.

This was a really interesting and okay episode that wasn't all that exciting but it was still really entertaining to watch everything play out. I liked that Grodd didn't just go straight in and started attacking the city he first tried some other methods of destroying it. And with that, I really liked how this whole episode revolved around Barry making the decision on whether or not to kill Grodd and end all their problems once and for all. I really liked how everyone was against the idea of Barry killing because they all see him as this shining light of good and if he kills that will change him forever. That was just so cool how they kept bringing that idea up because it is very true when it comes to Barry. Then the actual fight against Grodd was very interesting with how they chose to end it and who all was there to fight. Then the moments between Jessie and Wally were okay but they got little repetitive with Wells not being okay with Jessie staying on Earth 1. The moment between Wells and HR were also kind of annoying with Wells discrediting HR after every move he made. And just overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode.