Saturday, September 30, 2017

American Horror Story: Cult Season 7 Episode 4 "11/9" Review

Kai begins recruiting members for his cult; Beverly struggles to stay ahead of a young reporter willing to do anything to become an anchor.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that I found it kind of weird that they decided to put this episode in now as the 4th episode but I still enjoyed seeing what everyone was doing leading up to the first episode. It was also a little weird how they set everything up where the episode started out the day of the election where everyone was going out and voting and then it went back like several weeks before that day and slowly lead back up to that night. I really enjoyed that a lot of this episode was dedicated to Kai and him working on gaining all his followers and stuff. And it was really interesting how they decided to do that where he became really close friends with people and said things like he will always be there to defend them and the people they felt like they need to always be there for him too. I really enjoyed seeing all the different parts to this cult he's building be put in place where it is shown Meadow making the clown costumes the killers wear and Kai first making the smiley face left behind at the crime scenes. I liked how Ivy came into play in this episode where she and Winter sort of randomly came into contact with one another and they worked together to stop a Trump voter from voting. And then Kai sort of had to go in a fix everything that Winter did to fight against him. Which makes me wonder how Winter fits into everything did she originally fight against the cult but the deal she made with Kai be if Hilary won she didn't have to join but it she lost Winter had to join the cult. I was really weird how they decided to introduce this episode now as the 4th episode because the last episode left off at a cliffhanger and this episode didn't mention anything about the last episode. But this was still such a great episode because it did so much clearing things up that it didn't fully matter that much. But hopefully, the next episode will pick up where the 3rd episode left off. But overall I have to say that this was a really amazing episode and it was so interesting to watch and I just want to know more.   

Friday, September 29, 2017

Scorpion Season 4 Episode 1 "Extinction" Review

Team Scorpion must work with their old nemesis Mark Collins in order to prevent the extinction of mankind.

This was a really entertaining and kind of interesting episode that did a good job of re-introducing everything as well as sort of picking up where the finale last season left off. And when I read all the descriptions and previews for this episode it talked about this episode being a musical episode and that really worried me because some shows can pull off a musical episode and do fine others can't, and this show, in my opinion, can't. But luckily that wasn't really the case there was one song at the beginning of the episode and kind of one at the end and that was it so I'm very happy about that. Bringing back Mark Collins was very interesting with how they decided to play off the character where it seemed like they wanted him to be everyone's friend but he also kept doing all these terrible things to everyone. Where for example the previous time we saw him he was trying to ruin Happy and Toby's relationship and now in this episode, it seemed like he was trying to ruin Paige and Walter's. Which yes some of the points he brought up I do agree with where Paige and Walter just don't work together. I didn't really care for the moments where they tried to make Mark seem like the good guy because of all those scenes kind of fell flat in my opinion because the scene where he saves Toby from the lake it really looked like Mark pushed him in. And the scene where he volunteers to ride along Cabe to stop a fire also was weird because he did do a whole lot he kind of was just extra weight and extra problems. So in my mind, there is very little redemption for this guy but who knows with how this episode ended he is probably sticking around for at least one more episode so we'll see what they do with him. And I really enjoyed how they split off the team and did everything with Happy being down in the trench preparing everything until she realized she probably has methane poison because she is a little too goofy. I very curious to see if anything comes out of the event where Sylvester lost him "ring" he got when he married Walter's sister.  I wasn't a big fan of all the comments brought up between Happy and Toby about all these rules they made after being married and the little remarks made whenever one of them broke a rule. It was just hard because it made it seem like they were trying to become normal but they are not normal. But overall this was a really interesting and okay first episode that I'm curious to see how they fix everything in the next episode.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Good Doctor Season 1 Episode 1 "Burnt Food" Review

The president of San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital pleads his case to the reluctant board of directors to allow a young doctor with savant syndrome and autism onto their surgical staff.

This was a really entertaining and interesting first episode that did a good job of introducing a lot of the main players in the show as well as showing what life is like for this doctor. It was interesting to see how he interacted with the world and we were shown a bit about how he saw things and how people sort of saw him. Which one scene was my favorite to show how the world treated him where he shows up at the hospital with this boy whose life he just saved and he is telling all the other doctors what he thinks they should do next and they just completely ignore him. And that just really amazed me how they did all that different stuff with this character and how well it was all portrayed with how everyone sort of acted around him and how they talked to him. I also really enjoyed the scene where the doctor is sitting waiting to learn about his future at the hospital and one of the doctors who completely ignored him before came up to him and was really friendly and he ended up asking her which side is the truth is she him friend or not, and just seeing that disconnect between him and others was just really well done. I also really enjoyed all the flashback scenes that help to set up how he got into the position he is in now where it showed things like the fact that he came from a very abusive how that didn't know what to do with him. I also really enjoyed what they did with showing how his mind worked where they did the almost Sherlock thing where they had all these notes and diagrams popping up around him as he thinks through things. And just overall this was a very good first episode and I can't wait to see where they will go from here.  

Star Trek Discovery Season 1 Episode 2 "Battle at the Binary Stars" Review

Burnham is confined to the Shenzhou brig for mutiny as the Federation battles the Klingons.

This was a really entertaining and great episode that did a good job of picking up where the last one left off and bring that story to a conclusion. Which I'm a little disappointed because I really enjoy what the Star Trek series do where every single episode is its own story but I can kinda understand it for this because it is just the second episode and they're still doing a lot of introducing of everything so I can kinda understand it, but I was a little disappointed. And all the battling between the Federation and the Klingons was so great with how they did all the action and all the planning and who came into play when and how all that played out. But on the Klingon side of things it was a little confusing because at first it made it seem like all the different Klingon families had gotten together and were fighting to reintroduce themselves together but then on the other end so things it really seemed like it was just this one Klingon leader there doing everything himself so that was a little weird and hard to follow. But if it was just the one guy it kind of makes sense because how he seemed to be putting himself out there it seemed like he was trying to prove himself to the rest of the families so that kind of makes sense if that's the way that they were supposed to go but like I said it was kind of hard to follow what they were trying to do. And then all the moments with Michael were really interesting with her being stuck on a part of the ship that was just completely destroyed in the battle and the walls that are holding her and place from not getting sucked into the vacuum of space are starting to fail us the power starting to fail more and more on the ship so she had to come up with the way to try and save herself and how all that works out was really interesting. And then the whole scene where Michael and her old Vulcan teacher are talking to each other was interesting but a little weird because of how it was explained where apparently because they have mine melted with each other in the past they can essentially do it at any time so that was a little weird but I guess it helped to make the scene flow more. Then it was weird how even though Michael did all this Mutiny stuff in the last episode when she showed up and started offering ideas and help they just kind of accepted her back into the group. And as I predicted the captain didn't last very long so that that was a little sad because I really enjoyed her she was a great captain so that's a little disappointing but the rest of my prediction didn't really play out. Because at the end of all this stuff the Mutiny on Michael still held and she was sort of taken out of commission all that stuff. And with that the whole last 3 minutes of this episode was really kind of confusing because it was just showing like all the different stuff that's going to come up for the series and it was weird because it was just sort of thrown in there and it took a bit of time to realize oh hey that's what they're doing so it just felt really kind of weird. But I do have to say overall this was still a really great introduction to the series and I'm really excited to see where they might take everything and how Michael is eventually going to get her position in life for it back.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Star Trek Discovery Season 1 Episode 1 "The Vulcan Hello" Review

While patrolling Federation space, the U.S.S. Shenzhou encounters an object of unknown origin, putting First Officer Michael Burnham to her greatest test yet.

This was a really entertaining and amazing first episode that just dropped you right into the middle of all this Star Trek lore and didn't do a lot of describing and like setting up the main sort of plots to every Star Trek show which I really enjoyed as someone who has watched several different Star Trek things and is a big fan. Yes, I can understand that can difficult for someone first coming into the Star Trek show fresh but I feel like it is pretty easy to pick up on things and understand how everything works they won't find it that much of a problem. And I really enjoyed what they did with the character of Michael where she isn't Vulcan as far as we know but she was raised in the Vulcan education system and has learned act the way they do so she has like the personality somewhat of the Vulcan but then she still has like the emotional side of a human to more of an extent then Spock did. And I really enjoyed the relationship between Michael and the captain and yes and Star Trek shows in the past always there is a great relationship between the first officer and the captain but this seemed to be a whole other level. And it is really interesting how they're doing the show from making the first officer the main character instead of usually where they have it be the captain so that's really interesting and kind of makes me think that the captain might not last long and Michael has to step up and become the captain or something like that it's probably bound to happen.It was really interesting with what they did with the idea of this artifact being out in space that they had to go and investigate and having that lead to the artifact being related to some Klingons was done really well with how all that was revealed. And then I really liked that they had this Klingon ship just hidden away from all the Radars and away from view until it was revealed to be directly in front of the Shenzhou. And just all that sort of hesitation that the team had afterward was really interesting to see how everyone had their own opinions and own ideas of how to deal with running into a bunch of Klingons that hadn't been seen in a hundred or so years. And with that, I really enjoyed seeing how Michael reacted and what her ideas that she brought to the table based on how the Vulcan have approached this in the past were really interesting and really great. Just overall this was a really entertaining and great first episode and I can't wait to see where they might take this story next.

The Orville Season 1 Episode 3 "About a Girl" Review

Bortus and Klyden debate whether their newborn child should have a controversial surgery.

This was a really interesting and great episode that took a kind of hard topic and talked about it in a very nice and interesting way. I really enjoyed how they had everyone giving their own ideas on how Bortus should proceed, but they also really just kept it up to him to make the final decision. And each member sort of brought into play something to prove that the ideas of Brotus's people are somewhat wrong in that they believe that being a woman is like having a life-ending disease and that it's a major crippling part to being a part of their species. And they had each of the team members bring something in the play to prove that wrong and a lot of that didn't work, but I did really enjoy that the one thing that did work was Bortus watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. And just the life lesson of that movie being that being different can sometimes be an advantage. So then after that point, Bortus was on their side but Klyden wasn't so that became a big problem. And what that the whole Court scene where the final decision had to be made was interesting to see what each side brought to the table of why or why not the newborn baby should be changed into a boy. And then with that, I really enjoyed the ending where Mercer found a woman living on the planet who had survived there all these years to be an old woman and then the actual discovery of the truth about this woman was so great to sort of end everything on. And I did really enjoy how the ending actually turned out for everything because it was an ending that like set the ball in motion to fix the problem but didn't just completely change everyone's mind there and then. And just overall this was a really entertaining and really fun episode and I can't wait to see where they'll go next.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Gotham Season 4 Episode 1 "Pax Penguina" Review

Gordon fears Jonathan Crane is still alive and back in Gotham when The Scarecrow's signature MO is used in a series of robberies. Meanwhile, Penguin's "licensing" of crime in the city backfires during the grand opening of his new Iceberg Lounge. Also, in the aftermath of his encounter with Ra's Al Ghul, Bruce begins his vigilante watch.

This was a really great and entertaining first episode that was mostly just dedicated to reintroducing everyone and introducing some new plots. The idea of the crime licenses is really interesting to see how it all works and I really like the quote from Gordon about how long it will be until Penguin starts licensing murder. Then everything with Crane was really great with them coming up with their own origin story for how he came to be with these other criminals kidnapping him and making him make the fear gas for them. I am also really happy that they brought back the same actor to play Crane I was a little worried that he might be replaced since we haven't seen him since season one. And I'm just really excited to see what they are going to do with him because as I've said before I am a big fan of Scarecrow and I can't wait to see more of him. Then the moments with Bruce were okay with him starting out on his quest of being a hero by going around and stopping small street crime. But then the scene where he goes and confronts Penguin was a little too far for him at the moment and I'm happy Alfred was there to hold him back a bit. Then just overall this was a really great first episode and I can't wait to see where they will go from here.   

Saturday, September 23, 2017

American Horror Story: Cult Episode 3 "Neighbors from Hell" Review

Ally deals with the fallout from the shooting of Pedro.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that did a really nice job of picking up where the last episode left off and I really sort of enjoyed seeing how they filled out the story more and made more connections and started clearing out the mist and making stuff make more sense. I did enjoy seeing what they did with the ideas of what the repercussions were for Alley after shooting Pedro which is so many people who have turned on her and put her out there as the villain and that she's doing this because she's racist and she's doing this because of all these different things. But I feel like they are focusing more on the idea of her being racist and I feel like if it was really in the media that something like this happens the media would focus more on the ideas of her being crazy because I feel like how she was acting and how freaked out she seemed about everything the media comments would be "why would you give absolutely insane person a gun." And then and all the scenes with the neighbors and Ally where interesting like with Ally dealing with them after what happened to Pedro and then calling her racist than really sort of drilling in what she did and how it was wrong was interesting to see how it just finally sort of made her snap and she turned absolutely hate them and everything that they were doing was really just out to get her and help to make her seem like this completely monsters person and that was interesting to see how that eventually all turned out and just seeing what was actually sort of going on with the neighbors was interesting to see two of them. Then I find it really kind of interesting what they're doing with the whole detective that has been popping up with all these different stuff going on and now he's hanging out with the neighbors. I really liked seeing how everything seemed to connect back to Kai because in this episode we now know that the neighbors are a part of his group and probably that goes to say the detective is also. So all that is a part that I can't wait to see get all cleared up more and see what is all really happening. It was also interesting how this killer clowns kind of changed up there tactics in this episode wherein previous episodes we saw them leave their little smiley face tag after they committed the murders but now there are placing them on peoples houses ahead of time to kind of say your next. And I do have to say just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode and I'm very curious to see where they will go from here. 

Midnight Texas Season 1 Episode 10 "The Virgin Sacrifice" Review

With Hell literally about to erupt, Manfred leads the Midnighters to take back their home.

And this was a really entertaining and really fun episode that was kind of a great season finale because it really did a good job of wrapping everything up that happened in the season and sort of left things off on a note that the story could continue on. And I really enjoyed seeing all the moments of them with the priest helping them by blessing the weapons and stuff that they used to so they can go and fight against the wraiths and have at least a tiny bit of a chance to defeat them even for a few seconds. And that was just interesting to see all these different things would like everyone's finally working together and help each other out and all that. Manfred's whole plan that he had on how he would fight this oncoming massive demon was interesting where his decision was to sort of fight a demon he was going to become really strong demon, so he went and found all these really dark possessed items that have the spirits inside them and he asked them to take over himself. Which was interesting to see how that eventually all turned out by the end of this episode and it seemed like for the most part all the demons left him and moved on and he was fine but with how this episode it seems like everything might not be as fine as he thought. The Fiji's whole plan of how she was going to stop the demon was okay where her plan to stop the demon was to do that same thing she did to her first love. But Bobo's whole opinion on Fiji's plan and his idea of what to do was kind of stupid where he was like "Well the demon wants you because you're a virgin, but if you are no longer a virgin..." and I just didn't care much for that. Then the moments with Lam and Olivia were interesting whereas I predicted Olivia got hurt and Lam was given the option of watching her die or turning her, and I'm happy that they found another way that didn't involve either of those options. And the ending of this episode was interesting where everything seemed to be on a happy note until this lady showed up staying she was going to tare down the old hotel to make something more attractive to visitors so I'm curious to see what might happen if an influx of new visitor does come to Midnight. And just overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode to watch how everything turned out.  

Friday, September 22, 2017

Midnight Texas Season 1 Episode 9 "Riders on the Storm" Review

As the veil breaks and an apocalyptic sandstorm engulfs Midnight, the Midnighters rally to protect Fiji from demonic forces.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that didn't really have much to it. I really loved how this episode mostly focused on Fiji and told a bit of her backstory and like how she came to Midnight. Which with that her whole story was really great with her aunt teaching her about magic and Fiji finding a guy that she really liked and her magic kind of getting in the way. And then I really enjoyed the scenes with Fiji and Mr. Snuggles and sort of seeing how it is that still a very one-sided relationship and with that I'm still very surprised at how many of the midnighters don't know that fiji's cat talks so that was weird to see all them reacting to that which should have been a more common thing then it apparently is. But still seeing that one side relationship like I said where the cat doesn't love Fiji so that's fun to see him actually wanting to be with his original owner which was Fiji's aunt and Fiji still trying to do everything she can to protect this cat. And then all the group are on this quest to do everything I can to protect Fiji was interesting with them all decide that the best option is for them to actually leave Midnight for a bit and then figure out a safe place to put Fiji and then to figure out a plan before they go back to Midnight. I didn't really care for that but it guess it kind of made sense for the fact that they did not going that far out of the way so that was just a little weird in my mind that didn't really matter the most part. And then the moments with Creek we're okay where Manfred tried to get her to leave Midnight with everyone else who's not a supernatural being but things go wrong so she eventually ends up coming back so I didn't like those moments with her and they kind of seemed pointless but I can be okay with them because it did sort of help move the story along. Then the moments with Lam and Olivia were okay with them still getting over all the relationship troubles that they had in the last episode and I enjoied the one liner that Olivia had to Lam when he said "To take me out in the sun like this you must really hate me," And her reply was "If I hated you I would make you do this naked." That was just so much fun and really great. And I cerious to see where there relationship will go after what Olivia told him once they were safe which was that once all this was over she would leave him. And just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting epiosde to watch everything play out.

Monday, September 18, 2017

The Orville Season 1 Episode 2 "Command Performance" Review

Alara must take command of the Orville when Ed and Kelly end up imprisoned in a replica of their old home.

This was a really interesting episode that did a kind of a good job of continuing on some plots that were established in the last episode but it also had it's whole own independent story to it. I really liked the plot of this episode where Alara is left is in command of the ship and through the whole and it is all about her kind of figuring out what that means. And I did kind of like how everyone was there to help her but they also did their best to not do the work for her they still left all the desition making up to her. All the moments with Ed and Kelly were a little weird because of how quickly they seemed to bounce back and forth between being okay with each other and hating each other. I did like the scene where Alara finds a way to bargain with a guy to get Ed and Kelly's freedom and what she ended up bargaining with was really interesting. Thee moments with Bortus where okay because I understand them from the standpoint of giving Alara the room to do her own thing but otherwise the scenes seemed kind of pointless. That is however until the twist ending that I kind of can't wait to see how all that plays out. And just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode and I'm very curious to see where they will go next.  

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

American Horror Story: Cult Episode 2 "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" Review

Ally, Ivy, and Oz meet the new neighbors. Kai runs for city council. Detective Samuels investigates a murder. A blackout terrorizes Ally.

This was a really entertaining and interesting episode that did a good job of building off of where the last episode left off but I would say that there wasn't a whole lot new stuff to this episode. Like the only new thing was the introduction of the new neighbors after the murder that happened at the end of the last episode these new people move into that house and they are a very interesting couple so I'm very curious to see what's all going to happen with them. And I really kind of enjoyed and found it interesting how as Oz is becoming more panicked and freaked out about what's going on around him he is relying more on Ivy then he is Ally so that was really kind of interesting to watch how all of them reacted to that. And then I really enjoyed how Winter tried to calm Oz down by telling him that the best way to know whether you're dreaming or not is to ask someone and I just really enjoyed how that came into play later in the episode. And then it was fairly interesting to see everything that happened to Ally and how she was still very freaked out but tried her best to live a normal life again even though a lot of stuff keeps happening to sort of ruin that. And then everything with Kai was really interesting with how he first put on this very like friendly persona but then as soon as someone sort of questioned what he was doing or what he was saying he got very aggressive. And I do really like how they continued off of doing what they did last episode which was playing with ideas of what is real and what isn't as well as in this episode sort of building off of a lot of like the internal fears that some people have that they don't want to show because I don't want to be perceived as racists or something like that. Then the ending of this episode was really great when the blackout happened and just all the different problems that came out of that with everyone just everyone really messing with Ally when she wasn't in the right sort of mind at all she was really freaked out and I'm just really curious to see what's going to happen after how this episode ended. So just overall this was a really entertaining really great episode and I can't wait to see where they're going to take this story.

Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 8 "Last Temptation of Midnight" Review

A faceless supernatural makes a pilgrimage to Midnight to usher in a demon's arrival from the veil to Hell; Olivia and Bobo make plans of their own to protect the town.

This was a really interesting and fun episode that mainly continued setting up a lot of what's going to happen in the season finale probably. And I just really enjoyed watching how this episode played out with how everyone dealt with the fact that Manfred left as well as a lot of the supernatural creatures dealing with their dark sides coming out more. So with that, I really enjoyed watching all the moments between Olivia and Lam and them dealing with the outcomes of their situation and how they don't really agree with each other. And then also having this big evil demon that we've known about the whole season and getting more information on him and it was really cool where I can't remember what his name is but then they also had the side thing that he feeds off of like dead souls or something like that so he constantly needs sacrifices otherwise he loses his power essentially probably. So that was fun to see all the different towns people dealing with that or like the people who are most vulnerable sort of being taken over by this demon to do what he asked them to do. And then the moments with Manfred we're really fun with him dealing with his situation and how he doesn't want to be the hero because he's never been the hero before so his whole conversation with his aunt and dealing with how he can't really escape his future was interesting to see. And then I really loved that moment when Manfred finally decided that he was going to go back to Midnight and be the hero he's supposed to be and the first person who runs into is the main sort of villain he's supposed to stop from causing problems to happen that was just such a fun the sort of coincidence that they threw in there really well. Add just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode and I'm so curious and excited to see where they're going to go next and last few episodes.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Defenders Season 1 Review

Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist team up to fight crime in New York City.

This was a very good first season that wasn't the best out of all the Netflix Marvel series but it was so good. Out of all of them, I would rank it number three or four so the list would go, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Defenders or season 2 of Daredevil, season 1 of Daredevil, then Iron Fist. This show was a lot of fun to see what they did with each of the main characters and how they all fit together. It was a little disappointing how the show seemed to focus mostly on Daredevil and Iron Fist and Jessica and Luke seemed to be left behind as little more than side characters. But it kind of makes sense because the whole thing is about fighting the hand and Matt and Danny have the most experience with that. And the one thing I was worried about did happen and that was with all the fighting scenes and how Jessica seemed to be out of her element, but she still kind of managed to hold her own so it was interesting to see her fight. Then everything with The Hand was interesting to watch with getting more fully introduced to each of the "five fingers" of The Hand and just seeing how each of them interacted with each other. I was a little disappointed in what they did with the character of Alexandra because they put her out there as being this really big bad but in my opinion, she didn't really do much she mostly just hid behind the Black Sky and sat around. Then everything with Electra/ Black Sky was kind of cool to see how they decided to take her character. It was a little annoying how everytime Daredevil and Black Sky got into a fight it was for the most part just them talking. But I do have to say overall this was a really great first season and I super excited to see where they will go next with The Punisher and Jessica Jones season 2.   

The Orville Season 1 Episode 1 "Old Wounds" Review

In 2417, Ed Mercer is promoted to Captain of the U.S.S. Orville, but his enthusiasm is dampened when his ex-wife is assigned as his First Officer.

This was a really great first episode that did an amazing job at introducing a lot of the main characters we will get to know through the season as well as having a good solid story around this first episode. So this episode wasn't just dedicated to introducing the character but there was the story around them protecting this invention that could become a weapon in enemy hands. I was a little worried that with the writer and actors involved with this series the jokes would kind of fall flat or relied on a lot of bathroom humor. And that was defiantly there but there were also some jokes in there that were really great and kind of made up for the jokes that fell a bit flat. Like the one joke in there that I probably enjoyed the most was where Mercer told one of the scientists to follow Alara and the scientist asked which one was Alara and made the comment about still learning names, and that is the kind of 4th wall breaking humor I love in shows. I really kind of liked how each of the main characters interacted with each other and they all seemed to get along with each other for the most part and they all brought certain skills to the team. The only main conflict was between the captain and the first officer which got fixed pretty easily by the end of the episode. And the idea of the two of them being in a relationship which is something the end of this episode kind of teased I'm kind of okay with because they have already set up a background set of feelings between the two characters and it is not just something that was thrown in there or something that there whole basis's for working together is based on of them being in love with each other and with out that love they have nothing. The two of them seem like a team that can work together with or without feelings being present. One thing that I didn't much care for was the ending of this episode where the truth was reviled about how Mercer got the position of captain. Because now it sets up this whole storyline about the first officer having a secret from the captain and I would have much rather they stick to the storyline that was originally set up where the fleet is kind of giving Mercer a chance to prove himself to all of them. And just overall I have to say this was a really great first episode and I'm curious to see where they will go from here.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 7 "Angel Heart" Review

A bounty hunter from Joe's past arrives in Midnight; Creek struggles to recover from her family tragedy; The Rev refuses to compromise the safety of his neighbors.

This was a really interesting episode that did a good job of introducing the story plot further without it seeming dumb. I was a little hard to watch the scenes with Creek in there because it all felt so much like everyone was on egg shells around her it got really annoying to watch her. It was interesting how they decided to end this episode for Creek with her and Manfred breaking up but kind of still living together at least at first. The moment with the Rev was interesting with him getting hurt right at the beginning of the episode but no one goes looking for him until near the very end. Everything with Joe and this other angle was interesting with the truths being reviled of what Chuy is and why he and Joe are doing there best to stay hidden. All of the final fight scenes between the two angles was great but I was a little annoying how they make such a big deal about the plan to send an angle to hell and then chose to not follow through with that plan. I really loved the moment between Olivia and Lam where they discuss there relationship and how one day it will end and how Olivia doesn't want to be a vampire. And just overall this was a really great and entertaining episode and I can't wait to see what might happen next now that it seems like things are really starting to kick off in a bad direction.