Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Orville Season 1 Episode 1 "Old Wounds" Review

In 2417, Ed Mercer is promoted to Captain of the U.S.S. Orville, but his enthusiasm is dampened when his ex-wife is assigned as his First Officer.

This was a really great first episode that did an amazing job at introducing a lot of the main characters we will get to know through the season as well as having a good solid story around this first episode. So this episode wasn't just dedicated to introducing the character but there was the story around them protecting this invention that could become a weapon in enemy hands. I was a little worried that with the writer and actors involved with this series the jokes would kind of fall flat or relied on a lot of bathroom humor. And that was defiantly there but there were also some jokes in there that were really great and kind of made up for the jokes that fell a bit flat. Like the one joke in there that I probably enjoyed the most was where Mercer told one of the scientists to follow Alara and the scientist asked which one was Alara and made the comment about still learning names, and that is the kind of 4th wall breaking humor I love in shows. I really kind of liked how each of the main characters interacted with each other and they all seemed to get along with each other for the most part and they all brought certain skills to the team. The only main conflict was between the captain and the first officer which got fixed pretty easily by the end of the episode. And the idea of the two of them being in a relationship which is something the end of this episode kind of teased I'm kind of okay with because they have already set up a background set of feelings between the two characters and it is not just something that was thrown in there or something that there whole basis's for working together is based on of them being in love with each other and with out that love they have nothing. The two of them seem like a team that can work together with or without feelings being present. One thing that I didn't much care for was the ending of this episode where the truth was reviled about how Mercer got the position of captain. Because now it sets up this whole storyline about the first officer having a secret from the captain and I would have much rather they stick to the storyline that was originally set up where the fleet is kind of giving Mercer a chance to prove himself to all of them. And just overall I have to say this was a really great first episode and I'm curious to see where they will go from here.

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