Saturday, September 30, 2017

American Horror Story: Cult Season 7 Episode 4 "11/9" Review

Kai begins recruiting members for his cult; Beverly struggles to stay ahead of a young reporter willing to do anything to become an anchor.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that I found it kind of weird that they decided to put this episode in now as the 4th episode but I still enjoyed seeing what everyone was doing leading up to the first episode. It was also a little weird how they set everything up where the episode started out the day of the election where everyone was going out and voting and then it went back like several weeks before that day and slowly lead back up to that night. I really enjoyed that a lot of this episode was dedicated to Kai and him working on gaining all his followers and stuff. And it was really interesting how they decided to do that where he became really close friends with people and said things like he will always be there to defend them and the people they felt like they need to always be there for him too. I really enjoyed seeing all the different parts to this cult he's building be put in place where it is shown Meadow making the clown costumes the killers wear and Kai first making the smiley face left behind at the crime scenes. I liked how Ivy came into play in this episode where she and Winter sort of randomly came into contact with one another and they worked together to stop a Trump voter from voting. And then Kai sort of had to go in a fix everything that Winter did to fight against him. Which makes me wonder how Winter fits into everything did she originally fight against the cult but the deal she made with Kai be if Hilary won she didn't have to join but it she lost Winter had to join the cult. I was really weird how they decided to introduce this episode now as the 4th episode because the last episode left off at a cliffhanger and this episode didn't mention anything about the last episode. But this was still such a great episode because it did so much clearing things up that it didn't fully matter that much. But hopefully, the next episode will pick up where the 3rd episode left off. But overall I have to say that this was a really amazing episode and it was so interesting to watch and I just want to know more.   

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