Saturday, September 23, 2017

Midnight Texas Season 1 Episode 10 "The Virgin Sacrifice" Review

With Hell literally about to erupt, Manfred leads the Midnighters to take back their home.

And this was a really entertaining and really fun episode that was kind of a great season finale because it really did a good job of wrapping everything up that happened in the season and sort of left things off on a note that the story could continue on. And I really enjoyed seeing all the moments of them with the priest helping them by blessing the weapons and stuff that they used to so they can go and fight against the wraiths and have at least a tiny bit of a chance to defeat them even for a few seconds. And that was just interesting to see all these different things would like everyone's finally working together and help each other out and all that. Manfred's whole plan that he had on how he would fight this oncoming massive demon was interesting where his decision was to sort of fight a demon he was going to become really strong demon, so he went and found all these really dark possessed items that have the spirits inside them and he asked them to take over himself. Which was interesting to see how that eventually all turned out by the end of this episode and it seemed like for the most part all the demons left him and moved on and he was fine but with how this episode it seems like everything might not be as fine as he thought. The Fiji's whole plan of how she was going to stop the demon was okay where her plan to stop the demon was to do that same thing she did to her first love. But Bobo's whole opinion on Fiji's plan and his idea of what to do was kind of stupid where he was like "Well the demon wants you because you're a virgin, but if you are no longer a virgin..." and I just didn't care much for that. Then the moments with Lam and Olivia were interesting whereas I predicted Olivia got hurt and Lam was given the option of watching her die or turning her, and I'm happy that they found another way that didn't involve either of those options. And the ending of this episode was interesting where everything seemed to be on a happy note until this lady showed up staying she was going to tare down the old hotel to make something more attractive to visitors so I'm curious to see what might happen if an influx of new visitor does come to Midnight. And just overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode to watch how everything turned out.  

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