Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Orville Season 1 Episode 3 "About a Girl" Review

Bortus and Klyden debate whether their newborn child should have a controversial surgery.

This was a really interesting and great episode that took a kind of hard topic and talked about it in a very nice and interesting way. I really enjoyed how they had everyone giving their own ideas on how Bortus should proceed, but they also really just kept it up to him to make the final decision. And each member sort of brought into play something to prove that the ideas of Brotus's people are somewhat wrong in that they believe that being a woman is like having a life-ending disease and that it's a major crippling part to being a part of their species. And they had each of the team members bring something in the play to prove that wrong and a lot of that didn't work, but I did really enjoy that the one thing that did work was Bortus watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. And just the life lesson of that movie being that being different can sometimes be an advantage. So then after that point, Bortus was on their side but Klyden wasn't so that became a big problem. And what that the whole Court scene where the final decision had to be made was interesting to see what each side brought to the table of why or why not the newborn baby should be changed into a boy. And then with that, I really enjoyed the ending where Mercer found a woman living on the planet who had survived there all these years to be an old woman and then the actual discovery of the truth about this woman was so great to sort of end everything on. And I did really enjoy how the ending actually turned out for everything because it was an ending that like set the ball in motion to fix the problem but didn't just completely change everyone's mind there and then. And just overall this was a really entertaining and really fun episode and I can't wait to see where they'll go next.

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