Monday, September 18, 2017

The Orville Season 1 Episode 2 "Command Performance" Review

Alara must take command of the Orville when Ed and Kelly end up imprisoned in a replica of their old home.

This was a really interesting episode that did a kind of a good job of continuing on some plots that were established in the last episode but it also had it's whole own independent story to it. I really liked the plot of this episode where Alara is left is in command of the ship and through the whole and it is all about her kind of figuring out what that means. And I did kind of like how everyone was there to help her but they also did their best to not do the work for her they still left all the desition making up to her. All the moments with Ed and Kelly were a little weird because of how quickly they seemed to bounce back and forth between being okay with each other and hating each other. I did like the scene where Alara finds a way to bargain with a guy to get Ed and Kelly's freedom and what she ended up bargaining with was really interesting. Thee moments with Bortus where okay because I understand them from the standpoint of giving Alara the room to do her own thing but otherwise the scenes seemed kind of pointless. That is however until the twist ending that I kind of can't wait to see how all that plays out. And just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode and I'm very curious to see where they will go next.  

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