Thursday, September 28, 2017

Star Trek Discovery Season 1 Episode 2 "Battle at the Binary Stars" Review

Burnham is confined to the Shenzhou brig for mutiny as the Federation battles the Klingons.

This was a really entertaining and great episode that did a good job of picking up where the last one left off and bring that story to a conclusion. Which I'm a little disappointed because I really enjoy what the Star Trek series do where every single episode is its own story but I can kinda understand it for this because it is just the second episode and they're still doing a lot of introducing of everything so I can kinda understand it, but I was a little disappointed. And all the battling between the Federation and the Klingons was so great with how they did all the action and all the planning and who came into play when and how all that played out. But on the Klingon side of things it was a little confusing because at first it made it seem like all the different Klingon families had gotten together and were fighting to reintroduce themselves together but then on the other end so things it really seemed like it was just this one Klingon leader there doing everything himself so that was a little weird and hard to follow. But if it was just the one guy it kind of makes sense because how he seemed to be putting himself out there it seemed like he was trying to prove himself to the rest of the families so that kind of makes sense if that's the way that they were supposed to go but like I said it was kind of hard to follow what they were trying to do. And then all the moments with Michael were really interesting with her being stuck on a part of the ship that was just completely destroyed in the battle and the walls that are holding her and place from not getting sucked into the vacuum of space are starting to fail us the power starting to fail more and more on the ship so she had to come up with the way to try and save herself and how all that works out was really interesting. And then the whole scene where Michael and her old Vulcan teacher are talking to each other was interesting but a little weird because of how it was explained where apparently because they have mine melted with each other in the past they can essentially do it at any time so that was a little weird but I guess it helped to make the scene flow more. Then it was weird how even though Michael did all this Mutiny stuff in the last episode when she showed up and started offering ideas and help they just kind of accepted her back into the group. And as I predicted the captain didn't last very long so that that was a little sad because I really enjoyed her she was a great captain so that's a little disappointing but the rest of my prediction didn't really play out. Because at the end of all this stuff the Mutiny on Michael still held and she was sort of taken out of commission all that stuff. And with that the whole last 3 minutes of this episode was really kind of confusing because it was just showing like all the different stuff that's going to come up for the series and it was weird because it was just sort of thrown in there and it took a bit of time to realize oh hey that's what they're doing so it just felt really kind of weird. But I do have to say overall this was still a really great introduction to the series and I'm really excited to see where they might take everything and how Michael is eventually going to get her position in life for it back.

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