Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 8 "Last Temptation of Midnight" Review

A faceless supernatural makes a pilgrimage to Midnight to usher in a demon's arrival from the veil to Hell; Olivia and Bobo make plans of their own to protect the town.

This was a really interesting and fun episode that mainly continued setting up a lot of what's going to happen in the season finale probably. And I just really enjoyed watching how this episode played out with how everyone dealt with the fact that Manfred left as well as a lot of the supernatural creatures dealing with their dark sides coming out more. So with that, I really enjoyed watching all the moments between Olivia and Lam and them dealing with the outcomes of their situation and how they don't really agree with each other. And then also having this big evil demon that we've known about the whole season and getting more information on him and it was really cool where I can't remember what his name is but then they also had the side thing that he feeds off of like dead souls or something like that so he constantly needs sacrifices otherwise he loses his power essentially probably. So that was fun to see all the different towns people dealing with that or like the people who are most vulnerable sort of being taken over by this demon to do what he asked them to do. And then the moments with Manfred we're really fun with him dealing with his situation and how he doesn't want to be the hero because he's never been the hero before so his whole conversation with his aunt and dealing with how he can't really escape his future was interesting to see. And then I really loved that moment when Manfred finally decided that he was going to go back to Midnight and be the hero he's supposed to be and the first person who runs into is the main sort of villain he's supposed to stop from causing problems to happen that was just such a fun the sort of coincidence that they threw in there really well. Add just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode and I'm so curious and excited to see where they're going to go next and last few episodes.

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