Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Star Trek Discovery Season 1 Episode 1 "The Vulcan Hello" Review

While patrolling Federation space, the U.S.S. Shenzhou encounters an object of unknown origin, putting First Officer Michael Burnham to her greatest test yet.

This was a really entertaining and amazing first episode that just dropped you right into the middle of all this Star Trek lore and didn't do a lot of describing and like setting up the main sort of plots to every Star Trek show which I really enjoyed as someone who has watched several different Star Trek things and is a big fan. Yes, I can understand that can difficult for someone first coming into the Star Trek show fresh but I feel like it is pretty easy to pick up on things and understand how everything works they won't find it that much of a problem. And I really enjoyed what they did with the character of Michael where she isn't Vulcan as far as we know but she was raised in the Vulcan education system and has learned act the way they do so she has like the personality somewhat of the Vulcan but then she still has like the emotional side of a human to more of an extent then Spock did. And I really enjoyed the relationship between Michael and the captain and yes and Star Trek shows in the past always there is a great relationship between the first officer and the captain but this seemed to be a whole other level. And it is really interesting how they're doing the show from making the first officer the main character instead of usually where they have it be the captain so that's really interesting and kind of makes me think that the captain might not last long and Michael has to step up and become the captain or something like that it's probably bound to happen.It was really interesting with what they did with the idea of this artifact being out in space that they had to go and investigate and having that lead to the artifact being related to some Klingons was done really well with how all that was revealed. And then I really liked that they had this Klingon ship just hidden away from all the Radars and away from view until it was revealed to be directly in front of the Shenzhou. And just all that sort of hesitation that the team had afterward was really interesting to see how everyone had their own opinions and own ideas of how to deal with running into a bunch of Klingons that hadn't been seen in a hundred or so years. And with that, I really enjoyed seeing how Michael reacted and what her ideas that she brought to the table based on how the Vulcan have approached this in the past were really interesting and really great. Just overall this was a really entertaining and great first episode and I can't wait to see where they might take this story next.

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