Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 7 "Angel Heart" Review

A bounty hunter from Joe's past arrives in Midnight; Creek struggles to recover from her family tragedy; The Rev refuses to compromise the safety of his neighbors.

This was a really interesting episode that did a good job of introducing the story plot further without it seeming dumb. I was a little hard to watch the scenes with Creek in there because it all felt so much like everyone was on egg shells around her it got really annoying to watch her. It was interesting how they decided to end this episode for Creek with her and Manfred breaking up but kind of still living together at least at first. The moment with the Rev was interesting with him getting hurt right at the beginning of the episode but no one goes looking for him until near the very end. Everything with Joe and this other angle was interesting with the truths being reviled of what Chuy is and why he and Joe are doing there best to stay hidden. All of the final fight scenes between the two angles was great but I was a little annoying how they make such a big deal about the plan to send an angle to hell and then chose to not follow through with that plan. I really loved the moment between Olivia and Lam where they discuss there relationship and how one day it will end and how Olivia doesn't want to be a vampire. And just overall this was a really great and entertaining episode and I can't wait to see what might happen next now that it seems like things are really starting to kick off in a bad direction.   

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