Monday, August 21, 2017

Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 4 "Sexy Beast" Review

Manfred's ability to see the dead leads him to uncover an ancient supernatural who seduces and feeds on men; Bobo must confront the dangerous bikers who threaten to expose his past.

This was such a fun and really interesting episode that had a lot of really fun moments to it. I did really enjoy that kind of separation at the beginning of this episode between the succubus and Manfred and just having him slowly discover the succubus instead of it being something that is fully suddenly thrown into his life. And just watching all the teamwork that all the main characters did in this episode to work to try and catch the succubus was a lot of fun actually see what they all do working together. And the moments between Bobo and Fiji was interesting to see with them coming to conclusions that they do have interest in each other. Then the moments with Creek and Connor were great with seeing Connor try to protect his older sister and find out the truth about Manfred. Then everything with Olivia and Lem was great with finding a bit more about Olivia's past and how Lem sort of fit into it. And with all the conclusions that came out of the end of this episode and where it left off for everyone, I'm super excited to see what's going to happen next. So overall this was a really great and really entertaining episode to watch.

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