Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 2 "Bad Moon Rising" Review

Manfred tries to help Bobo clear his name by talking to the murdered victim with Joe's help; Lem and Olivia set out to stop a deadly predator before it kills again.

This was a really interesting episode that was really entertaining to watch and see how the story progressed and where it left off everyone as well as introducing a bit more of each of the characters. And I really enjoyed the scenes with Fiji doing the exorcism on Manfred's house. And all the mess that comes out of that and it is a bit of a side story to the main things which is really fun to have like all the sudden go back to Fiji getting beaten up by ghosts in the house. And then learning a bit more about the preacher and the fact of what supernatural being he is which is like some sort of shape shifter that can really only take on the form of one creature but seeing him sort of have to deal with that and the fact that it was a full moon or something like that that he had to change forms and everyone in town being aware of that and being there to  help him to not kill anyone was just interesting and entertaining to see. And I really just love seeing this whole town work together and that whenever someone had a problem the others would be there to help them out. And I just really love how they had ended with like all these different threats sort of on Midnight Texas and they have both the Supernatural and human threats with the Sons of Lucifer sort of looming over them as well as the supernatural beings that have sort of been let in by Manfred. And overall this was such an entertaining and really fun episode that I'm so curious to see where it's going to go next and what's going to happen in the story.

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