Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Will Season 1 Episode 6 "Something Wicked This Way Comes" Review

Tensions rise as Will and Alice continue to collaborate, while Anne attempts to adjust to London life. Love forces Marlowe to confront his darkest fears. Presto is forced to confront true evil.

This was a really interesting episode that did feel kind of long and a bit boring but it did have some really great moments in it that were interesting to see. I was kind of cool to see Alice and Will trying to move on for one an other and find their own lives. With that, I liked the moments with Alice trying to be happy with her potential husband but that fiance knows the truth about her feelings. Then the scene where Will had to confront Alice to try and get her to stay away from him and he called her so many bad things because Alice's mother told him to was so sad and great. Then all the moments with Anne and the family trying to adjust to London had some really great moments and some really sad moments. How this episode ended for Anne and the family was really sad but also kind of nice because Anne told Will that she is proud of him and that he is a great writer which I think is something he needed to hear from her. Then with Marlowe, it was interesting to see this other side of him in this episode as he watched his love slip away from him. And Presto actually had a kind of interesting story around him even though I still feel it is really unnecessary for the bigger story plot going on. And just overall this was a really entertaining episode with some great moments but it wasn't super interesting. 

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