Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Will Season 1 Episode 5 "The Marriage of True Minds " Review

An unexpected arrival sends Will's world spinning; a transcendental experience leads Marlowe to deal with his past; Topcliffe deciphers a code that throws Will into a life-and-death situation.  

This was a really great episode that took the story in a bit of a different turn and really was its own story but still, it was interesting to watch everything play out. And finally fully meeting both Will's family and Topcliffe's family was interesting to see how both these families interacted with their lives since I've changed so much since they last saw them. All the moments with Will adjusting to having his family there was interesting with him wanting to enjoy his time with them but also kind of wanting them to leaves when he can go back to the life he's grown in London. And it was interesting to see how Alice reacted to and being around Ann, and how Ann somehow knew that Will and Alice were seeing each other so all that chaos going on with very interesting to see how it all played out. And then just watching Will want this life in London where he is successful and stuff but also not wanting to leave his family that he's grown behind in order to get fame, so he's trying to live both those worlds at once was just so interesting to watch. Then with Topcliffe's kids and them actually seeing what he does for a day was interesting to see how they reacted to it and what they really thought about it. Then the one beggar boy that I still can't remember the name of showed up again this episode and he just still is as annoying as ever I don't understand why he's there and they tried to make some kind of connection between him and Will in this episode but it didn't happen so it was just really kind of annoying it pointless to have him included in this episode again. Then the scenes with Marlowe we're very interesting  with him still going through all these different tasks to try and  find some sort inspiration or something  because his mind is just gone blank so all the really really dark stuff that he got in to doing in this episode was kind of cool to see how what kind of lengths he went to. And with how this episode ended I'm so curious to see how Will's going to continue on going between this line of being with his family and growing as a successful writer. Just overall this was a really interesting episode that wasn't the greatest and really wasn't all that important of an episode but it was still really fascinating to see how everything played out.

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