Friday, September 22, 2017

Midnight Texas Season 1 Episode 9 "Riders on the Storm" Review

As the veil breaks and an apocalyptic sandstorm engulfs Midnight, the Midnighters rally to protect Fiji from demonic forces.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that didn't really have much to it. I really loved how this episode mostly focused on Fiji and told a bit of her backstory and like how she came to Midnight. Which with that her whole story was really great with her aunt teaching her about magic and Fiji finding a guy that she really liked and her magic kind of getting in the way. And then I really enjoyed the scenes with Fiji and Mr. Snuggles and sort of seeing how it is that still a very one-sided relationship and with that I'm still very surprised at how many of the midnighters don't know that fiji's cat talks so that was weird to see all them reacting to that which should have been a more common thing then it apparently is. But still seeing that one side relationship like I said where the cat doesn't love Fiji so that's fun to see him actually wanting to be with his original owner which was Fiji's aunt and Fiji still trying to do everything she can to protect this cat. And then all the group are on this quest to do everything I can to protect Fiji was interesting with them all decide that the best option is for them to actually leave Midnight for a bit and then figure out a safe place to put Fiji and then to figure out a plan before they go back to Midnight. I didn't really care for that but it guess it kind of made sense for the fact that they did not going that far out of the way so that was just a little weird in my mind that didn't really matter the most part. And then the moments with Creek we're okay where Manfred tried to get her to leave Midnight with everyone else who's not a supernatural being but things go wrong so she eventually ends up coming back so I didn't like those moments with her and they kind of seemed pointless but I can be okay with them because it did sort of help move the story along. Then the moments with Lam and Olivia were okay with them still getting over all the relationship troubles that they had in the last episode and I enjoied the one liner that Olivia had to Lam when he said "To take me out in the sun like this you must really hate me," And her reply was "If I hated you I would make you do this naked." That was just so much fun and really great. And I cerious to see where there relationship will go after what Olivia told him once they were safe which was that once all this was over she would leave him. And just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting epiosde to watch everything play out.

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