Saturday, September 23, 2017

American Horror Story: Cult Episode 3 "Neighbors from Hell" Review

Ally deals with the fallout from the shooting of Pedro.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that did a really nice job of picking up where the last episode left off and I really sort of enjoyed seeing how they filled out the story more and made more connections and started clearing out the mist and making stuff make more sense. I did enjoy seeing what they did with the ideas of what the repercussions were for Alley after shooting Pedro which is so many people who have turned on her and put her out there as the villain and that she's doing this because she's racist and she's doing this because of all these different things. But I feel like they are focusing more on the idea of her being racist and I feel like if it was really in the media that something like this happens the media would focus more on the ideas of her being crazy because I feel like how she was acting and how freaked out she seemed about everything the media comments would be "why would you give absolutely insane person a gun." And then and all the scenes with the neighbors and Ally where interesting like with Ally dealing with them after what happened to Pedro and then calling her racist than really sort of drilling in what she did and how it was wrong was interesting to see how it just finally sort of made her snap and she turned absolutely hate them and everything that they were doing was really just out to get her and help to make her seem like this completely monsters person and that was interesting to see how that eventually all turned out and just seeing what was actually sort of going on with the neighbors was interesting to see two of them. Then I find it really kind of interesting what they're doing with the whole detective that has been popping up with all these different stuff going on and now he's hanging out with the neighbors. I really liked seeing how everything seemed to connect back to Kai because in this episode we now know that the neighbors are a part of his group and probably that goes to say the detective is also. So all that is a part that I can't wait to see get all cleared up more and see what is all really happening. It was also interesting how this killer clowns kind of changed up there tactics in this episode wherein previous episodes we saw them leave their little smiley face tag after they committed the murders but now there are placing them on peoples houses ahead of time to kind of say your next. And I do have to say just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode and I'm very curious to see where they will go from here. 

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