Sunday, January 31, 2016

Galavant Season 2 Episode 5&6 "Giants vs. Dwarves" "About Last Knight" Review

Episode 5 
Galavant is fed up with Richard after he trades the Jewel of Valencia for a "dragon" and travels to find the giants on his own. They are not at all what he expected but are willing to help under one condition - he must help them defeat the dwarves. Gareth tells Sid about his feelings for Madalena. Sid warns Gareth against confessing his feelings, but he is determined, which ultimately leads to a dangerous situation for one of the men. Woodworm sends Isabella to Princess Jubilee's palace to hand deliver her invitation to her wedding.

Episode 6
Galavant, along with Richard and Roberta, stumbles upon his father, Sir Arnold Galavant. While Richard prepares for battle by training at Arnold's knight school, Galavant learns a few things about the man who abandoned him as a child. Madalena tries to make Gareth's birthday the best day ever, but his idea of a fun time is getting into a bar fight. Isabella returns to Hortensia and banishes Woodworm. Sid, now a wanted man in Valencia, flees to the Forest of Coincidence.

This was a really funny and great to set of episodes that left me with my mouth wide open by the end of them. I loved the fight between the Dwarves and the Giants it was funny how it all revolved around a random bridge to connect their two lands that weren't even over a river just some grass that a bridge isn't even necessary to cross it. I also liked the joke of really tall Dwarves and really short Giants which ends up making them the same height. I loved Princess Jubilee's song and especially the line that reminded Isabella that technically she wasn't originally a princess like everyone else. I also really liked the song that the boys at Sir Arnold school song that compared their opinions of Galavant's father vs Galavant's opinion. The whole chunk with Sid and Woodworm in the forest of Coincidence was also really great. And like I said the ending I was not expecting at all and I can't wait to see where all that will take them. Overall I really loved this episode and I can't wait for the next ones.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Arrow Season 4 Episode 8 "Legends of Yesterday" Review

Oliver and Barry hide Kendra and Carter in a remote location while they try to figure out how to defeat Vandal Savage; Felicity, Thea, Diggle and Laurel work to come up with a weapon to destroy Vandal.

This was a really nice episode that hopefully is the last to introduce all the characters for the Legends of Tomorrow so hopefully we can move on to something else. I liked the idea of switching and going back to Central City to do the main chunks of the fighting. I really liked the somewhat of a training moment between Kendra and Carter. But I still don't get how they could believe she was ready to fight just after that one moment. Using Barry's ability to time travel in this episode was interesting but it felt a little random that they had to throw that in there instead of just skipping over that part and ending it the way the time travel fixed things. Oliver and the fact that he has a kid felt a little weird that they took this long to bring that plot back in because they like first introduced it in the first season and haven't talked about it at all until this episode. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for the next one.

The Flash Season 2 Episode 8 "Legends of Today" Review

When Vandal Savage attacks Kendra Saunders, Barry takes Kendra to Star City, seeking Oliver's protection; Harrison asks Jay to test a new serum to make Barry run faster.

This was a really great episode on its own as well as being the Arrow episode that came after. Kendra being attacked by Vandal Savage was a little awkward in how it was first played out but the time in Star City was really cool. Hawkman's introduction was fun but also a little weird because they just kind of threw him into the playing field and like said have fun and don't die. I really liked all the parts where Carter is trying to get Kendra to remember who she truly is shoving her off a bunch of really tall buildings. The whole plot with Wells and the serum to make Barry fast seemed really cool but it really didn't make sense in my mind besides making it eventually so that maybe it could help Jay get his speed back sometime here in the future. Overall this was a fairly good episode and I'm very curious to see where the Arrow episode will take it.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Gotham Season 2 Episode 11 "Worse Than a Crime" Review

Jim Gordon turns to Dangerous Allies for assistance when Bruce Wayne is abducted.

This was a decent mid-season finally episode but not the greatest of one. The whole plot was around saving Bruce from Galavan and that was pretty boring. The fact of having Alfred, Gordon, Penguin, and each of there respected teams all the sudden working together to save Bruce seemed to really come together out of nowhere. All the scenes with Bruce and Silver seemed so fake and just a drag of a conversation that wasn't going anywhere. All the ending moments in this episode were really great whether it was them breaking into Galavan's penthouse to save Bruce or it being the actual ending were they gave a little tease of Mr.Freeze I'm super exited to start the second half. Over all I didn't really care for this episode it was boring and didn't seem like a good ending to what this whole first half of the season had been setting up.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Agents Of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 10 "Maveth" Review

S.H.I.E.L.D battles Hydra head-to-head, which sees Coulson and Fitz take the ultimate risk while Daisy and the Inhumans try to keep Hydra at bay.

This was a really great mid season finally episode with a lot of action and a fairly good plot to it. I really liked seeing the whole team showing up to save Fitz, Simmons and Coulson and the teamwork and separate work that they did to infiltrate the castle was really well done.  On the alien planet that Coulson ended up on I have a hard time believing that he could easily follow Ward and Fitz's track because it looked like a high amount of wind was almost always blowing and could have easily moved the sand and covered them up. Having the group of sleeping inhumans stored in a part of the castle and the need to save them just to have them all killed off by Lash I felt was really unnecessary. The twist of what happens to Will after Fitz worked so hard to save him I was not expecting. But I am curious to know if the creature that was on the planet that they always referred to as death is actually Death and they just put it in a different form from Lady Death. Because if that is Lady Death just in a different form that is cool that there choosing to introduce her in the TV show and not in one of the movies. Overall this was a really great episode and I really can't wait for the next one.   

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Quantico Season 1 Episode 9 "Guilty" Review

After turning herself into the FBI, Alex is aggressively interrogated to confess about who really bombed grand central. New evidence is uncovered that might lead to Alex's freedom. Back at Quantico, the group investigates serial murderers.

This was a really exciting and great episode. All the people who just want Alex to confess instead of actually listening to what she has to say is a little scary because it seems so realistic because when a tragedy happens a lot of the time people just want a confession and have everything just come to a close. I did like the fact that everyone seemed to be so determined to get Alex back that they were looking for any evidence to prove doubt that she might not be guilty. It was so cool because these where a lot of the same people that in the past episodes they were working so had to prove her guilty. The serial murder cases that they work on was really cool but also a little weird in how that whole story plot went about. Overall this was a really great episode with a lot of twists to it.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Scorpion Season 2 Episode 13 "White Out" Review

In order to save a United States Special Forces unit from certain death, the Scorpion Team must get through the very low temperatures of Antarctica to connect to a satellite in order to save the soldiers. Toby risks his life to save Happy.

This was a really great comeback episode after the holiday break. The team splitting up with Page and Sylvester left behind while the rest of the team goes to the Arctic made a cool separation where Page isn't their to help them make decisions. Some of their knowledge about cold preventives where correct about skin to skin contact but none of them wore hats and that is one of the most important things to keep cover when trying to keep warm. I like all the scenes with Ralph talking to the soldiers and helping them out until the rest of team Scorpion to help them out. I am kind of waiting for the one time Scorpion doesn't succeed at something and Ralph gets a bit of a reality check on them and doesn't think of them as much of heroes as he did in this episode. The teams new years revolutions were kind of fun too with how hard they tried to stick with them. The ending with Happy and her dad was really great and I think it was trying to push a Happy and Toby relationship a bit to much. Over all I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for the next one.

Galavant Season 2 Episode 3 and 4 "Aw, Hell, the King" "Bewitched, Bothered, and Belittled" Review

Episode 3
Desperate to raise an army and storm Hortensia, Galavant and King Richard return to his former castle to find the village thriving, now that they've found democracy. The discovery causes Richard to have an identity crisis now that his people don't need him. Galavant uses a town hall meeting to recruit fighters from the village, but volunteers are in short supply. In Hortensia, an evil wedding planner named Wormwood poisons Isabella's mind with an enchanted tiara, intent on making her help him take over the kingdom.
Episode 4
While continuing their quest to gather an army, King Richard discovers that he has a connection to Roberta, the beautiful warrior who volunteered to help. Galavant plays matchmaker. Madalena is invited to the Basikobitcz party - the popular girls of the kingdom - and can't wait to be accepted into their group. The party is not what she expected, and, when she returns home, Madalena discovers that she has feelings and does not like her new emotion.

This was another really funny and great set of episodes. Galavant and Richards whole story was really great I loved the song where Richard is trying to figure out what he could do with his life if he is not king. And Galavant trying to find some way to pull together an army to help him was really funny how all the towns people kept mixing up Isabella and Madalena and in the end he did get one lady to join his army. And I really hope that Galavant's plains eventually work out and a relationship grows between Richard and Roberta. Isabella being under mind control is a little weird but I'm curious to see where that is going to eventually lead to, especially now that the chef and servant have left. Madalena's whole part in this episode was sad but also great and ended with probably my favorite new song from this series. And I hope some kind of relationship forms between her a Gareth so then when it comes time for him to pick a side their is a bit more of a struggle for him. Over all I really enjoyed these episodes and I can't wait for the next ones.

Gotham Season 2 Episode 10 "The Son of Gotham" Review

Gordon confronts a suspect who is connected to Galavan, but falls short of obtaining any information. Meanwhile, Bruce gets one step closer to discovering the name of his parent's killer.

This was another decent episode but not one of the greatest episodes. The whole idea of the monks going around basically sacrificing people for this great rebirth of Gotham seemed a little strange to me and like this major plot they decided to throw in for these final to episodes leading up to the mid season finally. Galavan getting out of prison so easily because the old mayor changed his story at the last moment seems like it would be impossible because his story was different all leading up to the actual court case. I actually really liked seeing Bruce in this episode and the interrogation scene with him and Silver was so well done and very clever. Gordon becomes even darker in this episode because of his determination to put Galavan away I think by the end of this season he might loose a lot and have to gain the trust of his friends back if he doesn't turn his attitude around. The ending leads me to think the Gordon might end up in dept with penguin again by owing him another favor with them having to work together to take down Galavan. Over all this was a decent episode but not the greatest of episodes.

Scorpion Season 2 Episode 12 "Dam Breakthrough" Review

Its Christmas Eve and Team Scorpion must prevent a catastrophe when torrential rains create a large crack in a dam. The fight to save an entire town from the threat if it wiping out an entire town in its wake.

This was a really amazing episode and I loved every moment of it. the whole plot of this episode seemed super clever to me and the did a really good job of adding the drama and making it so that I could really feel the pressure they all were under. The beginning up to where they first got to the dam felt a little slow but after that it was very fast pace with everything just going wrong. I really enjoyed the moment with Cabe going down and trying to repair the crack in the dam. I also really liked the Happy and Toby's bomb making and they both managed to have the thought that Toby could have any throwing strength, The ending was really great and sweet and Paige's believe in the Christmas spirit really seemed to move through this whole episode. Over all I really enjoyed this episode and it defiantly was a favorite of mine.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Agents Of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 9 "Closure" Review

Ward's vendetta and plan for revenge against S.H.I.E.L.D. brings the team to their knees, and Coulson proves he will be willing to do anything to settle the conflict.

This was a really great episode to be a first part to the mid season finally but not really the greatest as a stand alone episode. The whole episode seemed to be a fight between Ward and Coulson because somehow they were finally once again on "even ground." The part with Fitz and Simmon's getting kidnapped by Hydra seemed a little awkward in how it all went down and the interrogation part seemed like is was trying to be more dramatic then it actually was. I did like seeing Mack as the director and I hope he might get some more head rolls in the future, it was also fun to see the first group of secret warriors. Over all I really didn't care for this episode but that is also partially because it's only part one of two parts and I can't wait to see what the second part will bring.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Scorpion Season 2 Episode 11 "The Old College Try" Review

The Scorpion team goes under cover at a college to discover who is holding the federal reserve for ransom. Walter tries to help Ray, while Paige is trying to get Walter to express grief about Megan.

This was a really funny episode and Happy and Walter were defiantly the two best characters in the episode. The whole team going back to college and pose as students was really funny especially with how they decided to split up the team for each of the clubs and things they needed to be a part of in order to try and find who sent the message. Happy and her attempt to get into a sorority was the best in how she didn't even try to act different and try and fit in. Walter and the acting club and Toby and his job interview with his arch-nemesis where also really great on how everything went down, and Walter stole the show against the acting club at the end of the episode. The whole quantum computer felt a little random to me and really seemed like a plot to try and make a part of this episode seem more dramatic. But that being said how they dealt with the quantum computer was really great and funny and had some really great moments to it. Over all I really enjoyed this episode and I really loved it.

Galavant Season 2 Episode 1 "A New Season aka Suck It Cancellation Bear" Review

Galavant and the crew are shipwrecked thanks to bad advice, and their overland trek back to Richard's kingdom leads to a bar in West Hollow-wood then to a fortune teller.

This was a really good reintroduction episode of this really fun series. I really liked all the parts with Richard and Galavant wondering back to Richard's kingdom. The part with the enchanted forest and what it really was the best in how they talked about it without really talking about what it was. And how Galavant and Richard eventually managed to escape was also really great. Richard and the unicorn were also a really great joke that I hope it might come back and help them in the future. And I can't wait to see how Richard being the one true hero because he pulled the sword out of the stone and  I can't wait to see how that might play into the storyline in the future. The joke with the magic staff and Isabella's amulet was really great in how it was so true with how phone connection and dropped calls used to be like. Isabella and the rest of the crews story plots were really fun in this episode and I really loved the queen and Gareth's the best. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for the next one.

Quantico Season 1 Episode 8 "Over" Review

In the future, the FBI computer system is hacked and confidential files go public, leading Alex to the conclusion that a second bomb is in play somewhere in NYC. Back at Quantico, the recruits are given individual assignments, only to realize they are all connected as part of a lesson to look about the bigger picture.

This was a really great episode to reset and have characters switch sides, and be removed from the picture for awhile. Nimah and Raina have fully established themselves as separate members of the team but their was that really struggle for people trying to decipher who's personality is Nimah's and which is Raina's. and the twins also have to keep up the struggle of the rest of the recruits might know there secret but they still have to keep it up outside of Quantico base in order to keep their cover in tack for their future work. Caleb is really starting to pull away more and more from his dad and I am really starting to wonder if the whole government wanted to take Alex down as some kind of revenge against her dad and possibly her mom after what this episode reviled but that would also seem a little weird. This show is doing a really good job at keeping it seem like all of the recruits could be guilty of the bombings instead of Alex and I find that amazing that they have all this stored up material that they can sneak into a shot here and their. Over all this was a really amazing episode and I can't wait to seem what the next on might bring.

The Librarians Season 2 Episode 10 "And the Final Curtain" Review

Prospero gains renewed magic that creates havoc with the world's technology. Flynn and Baird must travel back to 1611 to battle Prospero and thwart his scheme to recreate a forest utopia.

This was a really fun, funny, and great season finally episode for the show. I loved the fact that they where so well versed in time travel and had a good set of rules with it so then in the future they aren't using time travel to just fix everything. some of the rules of time travel being that you can only travel back in time and you can only use to same devise to travel back. The connection between Shakespeare and Prospero I was not really expecting but it was but it was a really clever idea and I like how it was all dealt with. The ladies of the lake came back in this episode to help Baird out and I'm really curious to know how they might play into the next season. The ending was also really clever on how they managed to make all these little side facts that were completely random in pervious episodes end up all connecting together at the end of this episode and had everything make since and fix a lot of their problems. Over all this was a really great season finally and I can't wait for the next season.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Jessica Jones Season 1 Review

Jessica Jones (2015) Poster

A former superhero decides to reboot her life by becoming a private investigator.

This was a very amazing, thrilling, and intense first season that I absolutely could not stop watching I just had to know what would happen next for Jessica. This series defiantly seemed to flow a lot better then Dare Devil's first season. With Jessica Jones it really seemed to hit the ground running from the first season with the level of action towards the main plot of getting Kilgrave while in Dare Devil it took a few episode to get to know the characters and stuff before getting into the main plot. Everyone was so well acted and I was so invested with every character and I can wait to find out what might happen with all of them next. The whole season was really well written in the light of what they kept secret and when they choice to give certain facts. Over all this was an amazing first season and I really want more and I'm disappointed that I have to wait a year to get it.
                                 ************* Possible Spoiler Alert************
The cop Will Simpson really bugged me from the vary begging of introducing him and now that he has been taking those pills and has basically become a super solder I really kind of hop the next season involves Jessica tracking him down and taking him out. The Idea of having Malcolm as the person stalking Jessica and taking pictures for Kilgrave I think was genius because no one would ever think of him because he always seemed to high he could barely walk on his own. Kilgrave's abilities where really awesome, but I want to know when he was improving his powers near the end he said some thing about his abilities being able to work within 100 feet/yards so then could he be that far away from someone and still give them a command even though they might not be able to directly hear it or did that just mean it works the strongest when he is with in a 100 feet/yards of the person he is controlling. And also his powers adjust the way you think about how to carry out his command like when he told Trish to put a bullet in her head if you were clever enough even under his control could you think to just put the bullet in your mouth or is their more power behind his commands then what is explained. The ending battle was amazing and using Trish as bait to get Jessica to sneak in and having the secret code word between the two of them to prove Jessica is not under Kilgrave's control being "I love you" I think was very clever. I am just amazed still because I was not expecting to love this series as much as I did.

The Librarians Season 2 Episode 9 "And the Happily Ever Afters" Review

The team members scatter, living ideal versions of their lives. However, they're drawn back together to investigate the appearance of Ariel, a sprite, bound to serve Prospero.

This was a really fun episode with Flynn as the main character trying to save all the other librarians. I really liked this episode and how each of the characters had these different life's that applied to their personalities but also didn't. I don't get how the people didn't question the made up lives before because all of them except for Cassandra had to go through pretty hefty job and just plain lives everyday. And how did no one who wasn't a part of the tale not wind up running into the invisible totem pole in the middle of the park. Ariel was really well acted and I hope she might show up in later episodes to help out the team some more. Flynn was also really fun in the episode and it was clever how he managed to get all the librarians back to the library. Over all this was a really fun and well done episode.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Gotham Season 2 Episode 9 "A Bitter Pill to Swallow" Review

Gordon runs into a hitman known as Eduardo Flamingo; Penguin and Nygma have another encounter.

This was a really entertaining and fun episode, but for some reason this episode really seemed to jump around to me. In the episode you follow Gordon's story and the Penguin Nygma story pretty simultaneously with a little bit of Bruce sprinkled in there. All the changes between each storyline felt really awkward because when ever they would switch it would be right as I was getting into the other story and it felt like their where so many tinny things that I had to try and keep track of that I wasn't, but still it was a nice episode. Gordon seems to slowly be losing his sanity with what happened to Barbra and everything else and I really want to see a bit darker Gordon, but I also feel his friends will pull him back to normal before that happens. The flow of assassins that showed up before Eduardo were really cool and had some nice fight scenes. The parts with Penguin and Nygma were a little weird but they might pick up in latter episodes and the two of them get to know each other better. Over all this was a really great episode and a fun watch.

American Horror Story Hotel Episode 8 "The Ten Commandments Killer" Review

John closes in on the Ten Commandments Killer and Sally details her arrangements with Mr. March.

This was a really great coming full circle episode where a lot more truths come out. The truth about John a knew a while ago but it still is nice to hear it as being a fact. It was really cool to see all the flashbacks of John that built him up to be the character he is and exactly how March wanted him, and I can't wait to see how John will be in the future. Sally's whole roll with the Ten Commandments Killer was a little weird in my mind and it really felt like it was only written in to keep her as a important character and not just a background one. The Countess and Donovan being back together again is nice for the story line but also a little boring in my mind, but I want to know if Donovan still wants to kill her as well. Over all this was a very good episode to classify a lot of the stuff that they have been keeping secret until now.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Code Black Season 1 Episode 11 "Black Tag" Review

The doctors find their own lives in danger when they arrive at the scene of a massive multi-vehicle accident on a highway covered in thick fog. Also, Jesse's confidence is shaken following his heart attack, while Carla's condition becomes critical.

This was a really exiting and great midseason finally. Most of the episode took place outside of the ER and you get to see how most of the characters respond to being out in the field during a massive accident. All the tagging was really great but it got a little annoying all the people who they seemed to black tag had family near them and they would fight like crazy to get it changed. I know that the response was realistic but it got a little annoying because it happen several times. Christa and the family stuck away from where others can see them was probably some of the best moments in the episode and I really enjoyed them. Jesse's recovery from his heart attack moments where really fun and the talk between him and Carla was really great. Ant the episode ending really great for Jesse and I'm very happy for that. This episode left off with a lot of cliff hangers and I can't wait for it to come back and find out what happened to everyone.

Code Black Season 1 Episode 10 "Cardiac Support " Review

Leanne is rattled at the thought of losing Jesse as he fights for his life after suffering a massive heart attack. Also, Mario asks the residents to cover for him when he searches the city for a patient's son, disobeying Neal's direct order not to leave the hospital.

This was a really great and amazing episode. The beginning was really exiting and cool, but I wish they would have done a bit more with them because they had the beginning chunk of them and didn't really bring them back until the end with nothing on them in-between. I loved seeing all the moments that showed just how much everyone in the ER loved Jesse. Neal having to take a bit more charge of the residents while Leanne was working with Jesse I feel was a little awkward in how it all seemed to be presented because his moods towards them kept sifting a lot. But this episode did show Mario having a growing heart and not as much of a jerk as he was at the beginning of the season. Over all this was a really great episode and really enjoyable to watch.