Thursday, January 14, 2016

Scorpion Season 2 Episode 11 "The Old College Try" Review

The Scorpion team goes under cover at a college to discover who is holding the federal reserve for ransom. Walter tries to help Ray, while Paige is trying to get Walter to express grief about Megan.

This was a really funny episode and Happy and Walter were defiantly the two best characters in the episode. The whole team going back to college and pose as students was really funny especially with how they decided to split up the team for each of the clubs and things they needed to be a part of in order to try and find who sent the message. Happy and her attempt to get into a sorority was the best in how she didn't even try to act different and try and fit in. Walter and the acting club and Toby and his job interview with his arch-nemesis where also really great on how everything went down, and Walter stole the show against the acting club at the end of the episode. The whole quantum computer felt a little random to me and really seemed like a plot to try and make a part of this episode seem more dramatic. But that being said how they dealt with the quantum computer was really great and funny and had some really great moments to it. Over all I really enjoyed this episode and I really loved it.

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