Thursday, January 14, 2016

Galavant Season 2 Episode 1 "A New Season aka Suck It Cancellation Bear" Review

Galavant and the crew are shipwrecked thanks to bad advice, and their overland trek back to Richard's kingdom leads to a bar in West Hollow-wood then to a fortune teller.

This was a really good reintroduction episode of this really fun series. I really liked all the parts with Richard and Galavant wondering back to Richard's kingdom. The part with the enchanted forest and what it really was the best in how they talked about it without really talking about what it was. And how Galavant and Richard eventually managed to escape was also really great. Richard and the unicorn were also a really great joke that I hope it might come back and help them in the future. And I can't wait to see how Richard being the one true hero because he pulled the sword out of the stone and  I can't wait to see how that might play into the storyline in the future. The joke with the magic staff and Isabella's amulet was really great in how it was so true with how phone connection and dropped calls used to be like. Isabella and the rest of the crews story plots were really fun in this episode and I really loved the queen and Gareth's the best. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for the next one.

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