Friday, January 8, 2016

Jessica Jones Season 1 Review

Jessica Jones (2015) Poster

A former superhero decides to reboot her life by becoming a private investigator.

This was a very amazing, thrilling, and intense first season that I absolutely could not stop watching I just had to know what would happen next for Jessica. This series defiantly seemed to flow a lot better then Dare Devil's first season. With Jessica Jones it really seemed to hit the ground running from the first season with the level of action towards the main plot of getting Kilgrave while in Dare Devil it took a few episode to get to know the characters and stuff before getting into the main plot. Everyone was so well acted and I was so invested with every character and I can wait to find out what might happen with all of them next. The whole season was really well written in the light of what they kept secret and when they choice to give certain facts. Over all this was an amazing first season and I really want more and I'm disappointed that I have to wait a year to get it.
                                 ************* Possible Spoiler Alert************
The cop Will Simpson really bugged me from the vary begging of introducing him and now that he has been taking those pills and has basically become a super solder I really kind of hop the next season involves Jessica tracking him down and taking him out. The Idea of having Malcolm as the person stalking Jessica and taking pictures for Kilgrave I think was genius because no one would ever think of him because he always seemed to high he could barely walk on his own. Kilgrave's abilities where really awesome, but I want to know when he was improving his powers near the end he said some thing about his abilities being able to work within 100 feet/yards so then could he be that far away from someone and still give them a command even though they might not be able to directly hear it or did that just mean it works the strongest when he is with in a 100 feet/yards of the person he is controlling. And also his powers adjust the way you think about how to carry out his command like when he told Trish to put a bullet in her head if you were clever enough even under his control could you think to just put the bullet in your mouth or is their more power behind his commands then what is explained. The ending battle was amazing and using Trish as bait to get Jessica to sneak in and having the secret code word between the two of them to prove Jessica is not under Kilgrave's control being "I love you" I think was very clever. I am just amazed still because I was not expecting to love this series as much as I did.

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