Friday, January 22, 2016

Agents Of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 10 "Maveth" Review

S.H.I.E.L.D battles Hydra head-to-head, which sees Coulson and Fitz take the ultimate risk while Daisy and the Inhumans try to keep Hydra at bay.

This was a really great mid season finally episode with a lot of action and a fairly good plot to it. I really liked seeing the whole team showing up to save Fitz, Simmons and Coulson and the teamwork and separate work that they did to infiltrate the castle was really well done.  On the alien planet that Coulson ended up on I have a hard time believing that he could easily follow Ward and Fitz's track because it looked like a high amount of wind was almost always blowing and could have easily moved the sand and covered them up. Having the group of sleeping inhumans stored in a part of the castle and the need to save them just to have them all killed off by Lash I felt was really unnecessary. The twist of what happens to Will after Fitz worked so hard to save him I was not expecting. But I am curious to know if the creature that was on the planet that they always referred to as death is actually Death and they just put it in a different form from Lady Death. Because if that is Lady Death just in a different form that is cool that there choosing to introduce her in the TV show and not in one of the movies. Overall this was a really great episode and I really can't wait for the next one.   

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