Friday, January 15, 2016

Agents Of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 9 "Closure" Review

Ward's vendetta and plan for revenge against S.H.I.E.L.D. brings the team to their knees, and Coulson proves he will be willing to do anything to settle the conflict.

This was a really great episode to be a first part to the mid season finally but not really the greatest as a stand alone episode. The whole episode seemed to be a fight between Ward and Coulson because somehow they were finally once again on "even ground." The part with Fitz and Simmon's getting kidnapped by Hydra seemed a little awkward in how it all went down and the interrogation part seemed like is was trying to be more dramatic then it actually was. I did like seeing Mack as the director and I hope he might get some more head rolls in the future, it was also fun to see the first group of secret warriors. Over all I really didn't care for this episode but that is also partially because it's only part one of two parts and I can't wait to see what the second part will bring.

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