Sunday, January 31, 2016

Galavant Season 2 Episode 5&6 "Giants vs. Dwarves" "About Last Knight" Review

Episode 5 
Galavant is fed up with Richard after he trades the Jewel of Valencia for a "dragon" and travels to find the giants on his own. They are not at all what he expected but are willing to help under one condition - he must help them defeat the dwarves. Gareth tells Sid about his feelings for Madalena. Sid warns Gareth against confessing his feelings, but he is determined, which ultimately leads to a dangerous situation for one of the men. Woodworm sends Isabella to Princess Jubilee's palace to hand deliver her invitation to her wedding.

Episode 6
Galavant, along with Richard and Roberta, stumbles upon his father, Sir Arnold Galavant. While Richard prepares for battle by training at Arnold's knight school, Galavant learns a few things about the man who abandoned him as a child. Madalena tries to make Gareth's birthday the best day ever, but his idea of a fun time is getting into a bar fight. Isabella returns to Hortensia and banishes Woodworm. Sid, now a wanted man in Valencia, flees to the Forest of Coincidence.

This was a really funny and great to set of episodes that left me with my mouth wide open by the end of them. I loved the fight between the Dwarves and the Giants it was funny how it all revolved around a random bridge to connect their two lands that weren't even over a river just some grass that a bridge isn't even necessary to cross it. I also liked the joke of really tall Dwarves and really short Giants which ends up making them the same height. I loved Princess Jubilee's song and especially the line that reminded Isabella that technically she wasn't originally a princess like everyone else. I also really liked the song that the boys at Sir Arnold school song that compared their opinions of Galavant's father vs Galavant's opinion. The whole chunk with Sid and Woodworm in the forest of Coincidence was also really great. And like I said the ending I was not expecting at all and I can't wait to see where all that will take them. Overall I really loved this episode and I can't wait for the next ones.

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