Thursday, January 14, 2016

Quantico Season 1 Episode 8 "Over" Review

In the future, the FBI computer system is hacked and confidential files go public, leading Alex to the conclusion that a second bomb is in play somewhere in NYC. Back at Quantico, the recruits are given individual assignments, only to realize they are all connected as part of a lesson to look about the bigger picture.

This was a really great episode to reset and have characters switch sides, and be removed from the picture for awhile. Nimah and Raina have fully established themselves as separate members of the team but their was that really struggle for people trying to decipher who's personality is Nimah's and which is Raina's. and the twins also have to keep up the struggle of the rest of the recruits might know there secret but they still have to keep it up outside of Quantico base in order to keep their cover in tack for their future work. Caleb is really starting to pull away more and more from his dad and I am really starting to wonder if the whole government wanted to take Alex down as some kind of revenge against her dad and possibly her mom after what this episode reviled but that would also seem a little weird. This show is doing a really good job at keeping it seem like all of the recruits could be guilty of the bombings instead of Alex and I find that amazing that they have all this stored up material that they can sneak into a shot here and their. Over all this was a really amazing episode and I can't wait to seem what the next on might bring.

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