Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Orville Season 1 Episode 9 "Cupid's Dagger" Review

While the crew attempts to mediate a peace treaty between two warring cultures, tensions rise between Ed and Kelly when a familiar face comes aboard.

This was a really fun and weird episode that had a lot of really interesting moments to it. I really enjoyed all the moments between Ed and Kelly and them struggling with their newfound relationship when they’re and joined by the person who originally tore them apart. And the whole sort of thing around this old acquaintance of theirs was interesting to see how it all turned out once the truth was revealed about what was going on that was causing several the crew members to act out of place. And I just really enjoy the moment where Ed went to the meeting to try and do the peace talks between the two warring cultures and he just wasn’t there because he was focused on other things than just that was really entertaining to watch. And then I also really enjoy the final moment when Kelly brought up that when she was cheating on Ed with this other guy and she wanted to know if he was in heat then so she would know if she didn’t actually have feelings for him or what was actually going on there and the fact that he didn’t answer that fully was really interesting. And then how they actually solve the problem of the two warring cultures was an interesting way to sort of wrap things up but I wish they would have done it better because once everything wore off they would be at war again probably because nothing on the planet was actually resolved. And I kind of wish that the artifact that was being examined was actually the cause of everyone acting weird and not the guy researching it so then the artifact would have played a more important role in this episode. And then the truth coming out of who this artifact actually belongs to I could easily see coming so it was entertaining to see that finally come true and the fact that the two cultures still had to share the planet by the end of all this. And just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode to watch.

American Horror Story: Cult Episode 10 "Charles (Manson) in Charge" Review

Kai begins to unravel as he starts to suspect a traitor in his ranks.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode to watch and see how everything turned out. I really like what they did with the ideas of Kai slowly going insane and how everyone dealt with that in their own ways. And I really like how Ally dealt with it with her sort of working with his hallucinations to stay on his good side and working with him when he had the idea that there is a mole amongst the ranks. But then Winter was sort of on the flip side where is she was trying to get Kai back into the right mindset and trying to distance herself from him to keep herself safe. And I just really enjoyed that whole conversation between Kai and Winter where they’re talking about how they’re always going to stay a family and Winter bring up that once the members of The Cult get what they want to leave him so he has to always remember that she will be the only one who truly sticks by his side. And just how all that turned out was really amazing to watch and see the twists and turns of that whole relationship. Then I really enjoyed all the ideas that they serve took from the Charles Manson Murders and how they sort of took all the ideas that he did in his murders were he was trying to get them to be blamed on other people that weren’t him, and Kai took those ideas and he’s doing with similar sort of way to try and commit a bunch of murderers and blame it the senator he’s running against. The ending of this episode was so great with it being revealed that there actually was a mole and that Kai wasn’t fully hallucinating and I’m just really curious to see how all that’s going to turn out now that Ally knows who the mole is. And just overall this was a really amazing and entertaining episode watch and I’m so excited to see what’s going to happen in the season finale.

The Flash Season 4 Episode 5 "Girls Night Out" Review

Caitlin fears that her past time as Killer Frost may be back to haunt her; Felicity helps celebrate Iris’s bachelorette party, while Barry is taken out for a night on the town.

This was a really fun and entertaining episode that had a lot of really great moments to it especially in the moments with Caitlin. And I really enjoyed the idea that they had for this episode where it was all the girls working together to solve the problem with the main villain in the episode and Berry wasn’t around to help them. How all that was done was really great and fun but I wish they would have put less focus on the idea of it being girl power and more on them just solving the problem because that got a little annoying how much they brought up the whole girl power part of it. Then I really liked what they did with Caitlin and her switching back and forth between being herself and Killer Frost and how everyone else is dealing with that was really kind of interesting. Then the villain of Amunet was really cool with her having this magnetic metal bending kind of powers but instead of her using it in a very Magneto like the way she used the metal to build herself armor and then used it in that sort of way and that was really kind of cool. Then the moments with Barry and him at his bachelor’s party was fun with him taking this chemical substance that made him really drunk and everyone else just kind of have to deal with all the problems that he stumbled upon. And then just overall this was really fun and great episode to watch.

Riverdale Season 2 Episode 5 "When a Stranger Calls" Review

Betty turns to Archie for help after receiving an ultimatum; Veronica's old friend comes to town, but his plans for a wild night takes an unexpected turn.

This was a really interesting episode especially with everything around Betty and the masked man. And it was really interesting how they chose to approach those moments between Betty and the masked man and him trying to get her to cut off all her other friends and him making this deal that if she did what he asked of her and she would get to ask him a question about himself as long as it wasn't too specific like what his name was. And that really became like the main reason Betty was doing any of the stuff that she was doing and it was just really interesting to see how she actually cut people off where she got really angry at Veronica and then she actually asked Archie to cut off the relationship with Jughead so that was just all really interesting and great with how it was all done and shown. And that moment between Archie and Jughead was really great with how Archie reacted to Jughead joining the Serpent's even though Archie really hasn't been there much for Jughead in the first place in my opinion. And everything around Jughead joining the Serpent's was really great and interesting with all the different Gonlent trials he had to go through to become a member we're really kind of fun to see as well as his friends trying to keep asking him if he really does want to join the Serpent's because once he's joined he can't leave. Then everything with Veronica and her friend was interesting with her sort of discovering that she has changed since she's come to Riverdale and how her old friends aren't really the best people to be friends with and it was just really great in that moment when all that was fully realized and her new friends from Riverdale were sort of there to support and be there for each other. And then everything in this episode around Betty's mother was really great with it coming out that Betty's mother was a serpent and the whole scene of Betty's mother sort of accepting that as her reality is really great and I kind of can't wait to see what the truth around that will be when it does come out like how did she leave the Serpent's if she did. I kind of can't wait to see how the moment between Betty and the masked man comes to play in the future where Betty was forced to put on a mask very similar to his so I'm curious to know if that mask will be discovered by the police or something and the bring Betty in and question the fact that her DNA is in it. And just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode to watch and see how everything played out and I can't wait to see what will happen in future.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Scorpion Season 4 Episode 7 "Go with the Flo(rence)" Review

A device that can prevent a nuclear meltdown is tracked through the Los Angeles sewers; Walter learns to listen and not offer advice to Paige; the team meets their new neighbor.

This was a really fun and interesting episode that did a good job with how it chose to break up the roles and who was doing what to solve the case. I really enjoyed the moments with Toby and Cabe in this episode with them interrogating the guy in charge of creating the devices that are going to cause the satellite to shoot down a laser and explode a nuclear power plant. And just all the different tactics and ways that they try to get the information out of him was really interesting to see. And it was also fun because Toby and Cabe were the ones who had to deal most with the new neighbor and her reaction to everything that they were doing was just really fun and I hope to see more of her in the future. And the moments between Walter and Paige in this episode were really annoying because of the fact that Walter doesn't seem to be learning anything and every episode it seems like Paige has to start at square one with Walter again and again and just it's really annoying how he didn't seem to listen to anything that she said and he tried to solve problems that she didn't need to be solved and by the end of this episode he kind of learned his lesson but not really which makes it even more annoying. And then I didn't really get the breaks down between Happy and Sylvester where they had Sylvester being the one to capture the rat and Happy being the one to track when the rat was coming and I understand it from the writing point of view because they wanted Sylvester to fall in the water but I feel like if it was in real life they wouldn't switch the rolls because Happy would have been able to catch the rat a lot easier so it just felt really weird in that whole scene. The truth coming out about what MI6 actually wanted the satellite for was a weird sort of twist ending but didn't seem really all that necessary and just felt like they could have come up with a better ending than that to explain why MI6 was there but still I guess I made sense for why they were keeping things so secretive. And just overall this was interesting and okay episode to watch.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Gifted Season 1 Episode 6 "got your siX" Review

Thunderbird spears a mission to get answers about what happened to his friend; Lauren encounters a new friend with useful powers.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that had a lot of great moments to it. I really liked how in this episode they introduced a bunch of other teenage mutants and had them showing off their powers and training on how to use their powers. And it was really interesting how they finally made some sort of connection to the X-Men which was with Thunderbird stating that the X-Men put him in charge of protecting all these mutants and creating of the Underground. So I'm really curious to see how that might come out or play in the future of Thunderbird storyline and I'd really like to see that connection between him and the X-Men. Then the whole mission with Eclipse and Reed going into the New Orleans state house to get all these files on the mutants that were sent there was interesting with how it was all shown and how it was all done. I didn't much care for Andy in this episode because the fact of how overconfident he seem to some extent where he thinks that he can solve every problem with his abilities and I did like that they did have the moment where Reed tried to talk him out of trying to fix their problems and yes he did come in handy during the break into the state house but he just thinks that he's better than he actually is and in my opinion he still needs some training. With that it was a little weird in the past episodes he seemed so unable to control his powers but in this episode seem to master it like he's known how to use his powers for years when he's only had his powers for a couple weeks so that was a little weird. I did really enjoy the scene where Polaris is training some of the mutants to use their abilities to fight and how Kate jumped in there to try and stop her what's interesting even though I still really don't like the character of Kate because she just never seems to learn anything. Where she gets all this information about what life is like for a mutant and stuff like that but then she just keeps saying that everything will get better with time and I just don't understand that mindset. Then the scene where Reed and Eclipse are heading back to the compound but end up running into a giant police barrier was really great seeing how everything was fixed but I definitely wish that they would have shown a bit more of what Polaris was doing because they did show some things where she was stopping the bullets from hitting the bus but there were so many going off that I have a hard time believing that she could truly stop all them. Then I'm very curious to know what's going on with Turner now that he is working with this doctor who is doing a bunch of research on mutants and I really want to know what this doctor wants with the Strucker children. And then just overall this was really entertaining and fun episode to watch.

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 5 "Damage" Review

Morgan Edge blames Lena for children getting sick from lead poisoning.

This was such a great and entertaining episode that was so much fun to see the story revolving a lot around Lena and showing her in a bit of a different light. And I really like that they did show again everyone's ideas on Lena where as soon as any sort story came out giving a possibility that Lena might be bad everyone jumped on board with the idea because of the fact that she's Luther. And I really enjoyed just seeing how Lena dealt with all the bad press around her where after she tried to do things in a proper business way to try in make up for all these different families pains and that didn't work out you could just see her soul dying at the idea that she's hurting a bunch of innocent children. And I don't really like the idea of this episode where they did play with the invention that was built in the last season finale where Lena released a whole bunch of lead into the air and they didn't really talk about much what that could due to humans all they really did was talk about what I would do to the Daxamites. I really enjoyed how they played with slowly revealing the truth of who is the villain actually was and why and how he was actually poisoning these kids. I really like that they had Lena be the one to confront him and the way that everything went down between Lena and Edge was really fun to see. And I really enjoyed the scene where Lena is on the plane and that's basically the only way that Supergirl knows that this plane is big trouble is the fact that she heard Lena's voice on the recorder. And then I really like the ending of this episode because again it played with the ideas of Samantha learning that she has these abilities were in the end of this episode it was finally shown that it isn't an accident or a slight chance of luck that saved her it actually is that she's bulletproof. And then just over all of this was a really amazing and so entertaining episode to watch them really excited to see where they're going to take the story next.

Wisdom of the Crowd Season 1 Episode 6 "Trojan Horse" Review

The team must locate the source of a deadly online challenge that's targeting vulnerable teenagers; Alex's connection to Tanner's former company may be a personal and political issue.

It was a really interesting and entertaining episode that did a really great job of having nice moments to a very hard topic. And I really enjoyed all the moments for Sarah and her trying to deal with everything that's going on with these kids and they show that something's bothering her but they take quite a while in to the episode to actually explained what's going on with her so that was interesting and well done in the way that they did it. Then I really liked how they did this episode with the cops not knowing how these kids are getting a hold of this online game that's causing them to kill themselves and just how they shot that progression of the story of how they eventually figured it all out was really interesting. I wasn't a big fan of the fact that didn't really show much of what Sophie was doing to help it just seemed like they stumble upon the answer themselves or they knew what to do without any explanation of how they got those answers. And I really like what they did with the ideas of each member of Sophie having some sort of connection to these kids in an emotional way or just they have a connection to like the back history being in the same position these kids so that was really interesting. I didn't really like how quickly they found the guy who created this site that was causing the kids to kill themselves because it just seemed really out there where they were like only has this guy and that he kind of sort of confess pretty easily so that was just really weird but his explanation of why was to sort of cut off the weaker links was an interesting thing to see his mindset. I did really love the ending of this episode where it showed one of the kids and their moments before completing the game and just the whole conversation between her and Sarah was really great with showing ideas of suicide and how there is people who are left to sort of have to pick up the pieces and that whole shot showing all these different strangers showing up to help this girl or trying to convince her to not kill herself was so great with showing that even though you don't know a person you can still care about their life. And then just overall this was a really great and so amazing episode to watch and see how everything turned out.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Wisdom of the Crowd Season 1 Episode 4 "User Bias" Review

The San Francisco P.D. comes to Tanner to get Sophe's help on a politically charged murder case.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that did a really nice job of having this kind of difficult storyline but organizing it in a really nice way. And I really liked what they decide to do with the idea of bias in this episode where the actual characters have to set aside their biases on people especially the victim in this episode and once they did that they started to see things in a different light and unravel the truth a lot better. And then along with that, they have Sophie getting this increasing flood of information that helps to reprogram her to sort through all the data and find only the stuff that is important to the case and that's a really helpful thing that will probably be useful in the future. And the actual truth around what this victim actually wanted in his murder was interesting with how the team discovered it where they look through all like the past interviews and stuff that he did and discover that he had a real fascination for other political protesters of the past like Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, and Gandhi and people like that and he made the comment that he's not really fascinated by them because of their views but because of the fact that they died a martyr essentially. And I enjoy the moments with Tanner this episode and him getting berated by a bunch of articles sort of degrading his daughter's image and him trying to figure out where these articles are coming from and why they're out there and that whole back trail part of this episode was interesting with what it revealed. Which was that the articles initially weren't supposed to be bashing on Tanner but on his ex-wife and because of the fact of what Tanner was up to at this point I'm at kind of hit him too. And just that whole scene with Tanner and his ex-wife in the car as he's trying to explain what all was going on with the stuff around Mia was such a well done seen with how everyone reacted to everything. And just overall this was a really great and really entertaining episode to watch.

The Orville Season 1 Episode 7 "Majority Rule" Review

Kelly leads a team to find two missing Union anthropologists on a planet similar to Earth.

This was a really interesting and fun episode that had a lot of really great moments to it. Now to start off as I was watching this episode it reminded me a lot of the Black Mirror episode Nosedive where this whole society that they're trying to fit into bases everything off of a like system and in order to fit into certain places in society you need a certain amount of likes. But with that, I did really like what this episode did wear when you get a certain amount of dislikes big problems start to happen to you where they will take you to a place that will essentially reprogram your brain to become a vegetable. And when you do get this big traffic of dislikes you have to go on essentially a press tour to try and prove yourself as likable that was all really interesting and done really well. And I really enjoyed the whole final scene where they are trying to make lieutenant John likable to the public by posting a bunch of stuff about him that would make him seem popular. Then just overall this was a really great and fun episode to watch and see how everything turned out.

Arrow Season 6 Episode 3 "Next of Kin" Review

A rogue black ops team led by Onyx breaks into Kord Industries and steals something lethal. Oliver struggles to connect with William so he reaches out to a surprising source for help.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that was fun at showing how team Arrow operates without Oliver. And I really liked what they did do with John adjusting to his life now as the Green Arrow and him figuring out what that means, and I really liked it because the fact that they dedicated this whole episode to him really figuring out what he needs to do with the Green Arrow instead of just having him jump into the role. And it was really fun to see him trying to get the team to get used to him as the new leader and them not being really sure that he deserves it and so it was a lot of him proving himself and with that I really love this whole fight scene where he's fighting around and inside of this limo and the way that the whole scene was shot was just really well done. And then the moments with Oliver and William in this episode interesting with Oliver trying to figure out how to talk to William and be there for him but he just keeps failing. So it was kind of cool how they finally did establish the triangle between Oliver, William, and Felicity with Felicity being there too help William in the way Oliver can't. The whole ending scene for this episode was really interesting and I'm very curious to see what might come out of that with John using drugs to help stabilize his hand and get him focused. I'm very curious to see how that might affect the team when they discover what he's up to and if it's going to make any sort of connection back to the main story in an episode where like they're tracking down the drug dealer that he uses or something like that reveals to the whole team what he's up to. And just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode to watch and see this new hero strategy that they're going with.