Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Orville Season 1 Episode 9 "Cupid's Dagger" Review

While the crew attempts to mediate a peace treaty between two warring cultures, tensions rise between Ed and Kelly when a familiar face comes aboard.

This was a really fun and weird episode that had a lot of really interesting moments to it. I really enjoyed all the moments between Ed and Kelly and them struggling with their newfound relationship when they’re and joined by the person who originally tore them apart. And the whole sort of thing around this old acquaintance of theirs was interesting to see how it all turned out once the truth was revealed about what was going on that was causing several the crew members to act out of place. And I just really enjoy the moment where Ed went to the meeting to try and do the peace talks between the two warring cultures and he just wasn’t there because he was focused on other things than just that was really entertaining to watch. And then I also really enjoy the final moment when Kelly brought up that when she was cheating on Ed with this other guy and she wanted to know if he was in heat then so she would know if she didn’t actually have feelings for him or what was actually going on there and the fact that he didn’t answer that fully was really interesting. And then how they actually solve the problem of the two warring cultures was an interesting way to sort of wrap things up but I wish they would have done it better because once everything wore off they would be at war again probably because nothing on the planet was actually resolved. And I kind of wish that the artifact that was being examined was actually the cause of everyone acting weird and not the guy researching it so then the artifact would have played a more important role in this episode. And then the truth coming out of who this artifact actually belongs to I could easily see coming so it was entertaining to see that finally come true and the fact that the two cultures still had to share the planet by the end of all this. And just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode to watch.

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