Thursday, November 16, 2017

Riverdale Season 2 Episode 5 "When a Stranger Calls" Review

Betty turns to Archie for help after receiving an ultimatum; Veronica's old friend comes to town, but his plans for a wild night takes an unexpected turn.

This was a really interesting episode especially with everything around Betty and the masked man. And it was really interesting how they chose to approach those moments between Betty and the masked man and him trying to get her to cut off all her other friends and him making this deal that if she did what he asked of her and she would get to ask him a question about himself as long as it wasn't too specific like what his name was. And that really became like the main reason Betty was doing any of the stuff that she was doing and it was just really interesting to see how she actually cut people off where she got really angry at Veronica and then she actually asked Archie to cut off the relationship with Jughead so that was just all really interesting and great with how it was all done and shown. And that moment between Archie and Jughead was really great with how Archie reacted to Jughead joining the Serpent's even though Archie really hasn't been there much for Jughead in the first place in my opinion. And everything around Jughead joining the Serpent's was really great and interesting with all the different Gonlent trials he had to go through to become a member we're really kind of fun to see as well as his friends trying to keep asking him if he really does want to join the Serpent's because once he's joined he can't leave. Then everything with Veronica and her friend was interesting with her sort of discovering that she has changed since she's come to Riverdale and how her old friends aren't really the best people to be friends with and it was just really great in that moment when all that was fully realized and her new friends from Riverdale were sort of there to support and be there for each other. And then everything in this episode around Betty's mother was really great with it coming out that Betty's mother was a serpent and the whole scene of Betty's mother sort of accepting that as her reality is really great and I kind of can't wait to see what the truth around that will be when it does come out like how did she leave the Serpent's if she did. I kind of can't wait to see how the moment between Betty and the masked man comes to play in the future where Betty was forced to put on a mask very similar to his so I'm curious to know if that mask will be discovered by the police or something and the bring Betty in and question the fact that her DNA is in it. And just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode to watch and see how everything played out and I can't wait to see what will happen in future.

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