Sunday, November 5, 2017

Arrow Season 6 Episode 3 "Next of Kin" Review

A rogue black ops team led by Onyx breaks into Kord Industries and steals something lethal. Oliver struggles to connect with William so he reaches out to a surprising source for help.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that was fun at showing how team Arrow operates without Oliver. And I really liked what they did do with John adjusting to his life now as the Green Arrow and him figuring out what that means, and I really liked it because the fact that they dedicated this whole episode to him really figuring out what he needs to do with the Green Arrow instead of just having him jump into the role. And it was really fun to see him trying to get the team to get used to him as the new leader and them not being really sure that he deserves it and so it was a lot of him proving himself and with that I really love this whole fight scene where he's fighting around and inside of this limo and the way that the whole scene was shot was just really well done. And then the moments with Oliver and William in this episode interesting with Oliver trying to figure out how to talk to William and be there for him but he just keeps failing. So it was kind of cool how they finally did establish the triangle between Oliver, William, and Felicity with Felicity being there too help William in the way Oliver can't. The whole ending scene for this episode was really interesting and I'm very curious to see what might come out of that with John using drugs to help stabilize his hand and get him focused. I'm very curious to see how that might affect the team when they discover what he's up to and if it's going to make any sort of connection back to the main story in an episode where like they're tracking down the drug dealer that he uses or something like that reveals to the whole team what he's up to. And just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode to watch and see this new hero strategy that they're going with.

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