Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Wisdom of the Crowd Season 1 Episode 6 "Trojan Horse" Review

The team must locate the source of a deadly online challenge that's targeting vulnerable teenagers; Alex's connection to Tanner's former company may be a personal and political issue.

It was a really interesting and entertaining episode that did a really great job of having nice moments to a very hard topic. And I really enjoyed all the moments for Sarah and her trying to deal with everything that's going on with these kids and they show that something's bothering her but they take quite a while in to the episode to actually explained what's going on with her so that was interesting and well done in the way that they did it. Then I really liked how they did this episode with the cops not knowing how these kids are getting a hold of this online game that's causing them to kill themselves and just how they shot that progression of the story of how they eventually figured it all out was really interesting. I wasn't a big fan of the fact that didn't really show much of what Sophie was doing to help it just seemed like they stumble upon the answer themselves or they knew what to do without any explanation of how they got those answers. And I really like what they did with the ideas of each member of Sophie having some sort of connection to these kids in an emotional way or just they have a connection to like the back history being in the same position these kids so that was really interesting. I didn't really like how quickly they found the guy who created this site that was causing the kids to kill themselves because it just seemed really out there where they were like only has this guy and that he kind of sort of confess pretty easily so that was just really weird but his explanation of why was to sort of cut off the weaker links was an interesting thing to see his mindset. I did really love the ending of this episode where it showed one of the kids and their moments before completing the game and just the whole conversation between her and Sarah was really great with showing ideas of suicide and how there is people who are left to sort of have to pick up the pieces and that whole shot showing all these different strangers showing up to help this girl or trying to convince her to not kill herself was so great with showing that even though you don't know a person you can still care about their life. And then just overall this was a really great and so amazing episode to watch and see how everything turned out.

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