Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Gifted Season 1 Episode 6 "got your siX" Review

Thunderbird spears a mission to get answers about what happened to his friend; Lauren encounters a new friend with useful powers.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that had a lot of great moments to it. I really liked how in this episode they introduced a bunch of other teenage mutants and had them showing off their powers and training on how to use their powers. And it was really interesting how they finally made some sort of connection to the X-Men which was with Thunderbird stating that the X-Men put him in charge of protecting all these mutants and creating of the Underground. So I'm really curious to see how that might come out or play in the future of Thunderbird storyline and I'd really like to see that connection between him and the X-Men. Then the whole mission with Eclipse and Reed going into the New Orleans state house to get all these files on the mutants that were sent there was interesting with how it was all shown and how it was all done. I didn't much care for Andy in this episode because the fact of how overconfident he seem to some extent where he thinks that he can solve every problem with his abilities and I did like that they did have the moment where Reed tried to talk him out of trying to fix their problems and yes he did come in handy during the break into the state house but he just thinks that he's better than he actually is and in my opinion he still needs some training. With that it was a little weird in the past episodes he seemed so unable to control his powers but in this episode seem to master it like he's known how to use his powers for years when he's only had his powers for a couple weeks so that was a little weird. I did really enjoy the scene where Polaris is training some of the mutants to use their abilities to fight and how Kate jumped in there to try and stop her what's interesting even though I still really don't like the character of Kate because she just never seems to learn anything. Where she gets all this information about what life is like for a mutant and stuff like that but then she just keeps saying that everything will get better with time and I just don't understand that mindset. Then the scene where Reed and Eclipse are heading back to the compound but end up running into a giant police barrier was really great seeing how everything was fixed but I definitely wish that they would have shown a bit more of what Polaris was doing because they did show some things where she was stopping the bullets from hitting the bus but there were so many going off that I have a hard time believing that she could truly stop all them. Then I'm very curious to know what's going on with Turner now that he is working with this doctor who is doing a bunch of research on mutants and I really want to know what this doctor wants with the Strucker children. And then just overall this was really entertaining and fun episode to watch.

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