Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Scorpion Season 4 Episode 7 "Go with the Flo(rence)" Review

A device that can prevent a nuclear meltdown is tracked through the Los Angeles sewers; Walter learns to listen and not offer advice to Paige; the team meets their new neighbor.

This was a really fun and interesting episode that did a good job with how it chose to break up the roles and who was doing what to solve the case. I really enjoyed the moments with Toby and Cabe in this episode with them interrogating the guy in charge of creating the devices that are going to cause the satellite to shoot down a laser and explode a nuclear power plant. And just all the different tactics and ways that they try to get the information out of him was really interesting to see. And it was also fun because Toby and Cabe were the ones who had to deal most with the new neighbor and her reaction to everything that they were doing was just really fun and I hope to see more of her in the future. And the moments between Walter and Paige in this episode were really annoying because of the fact that Walter doesn't seem to be learning anything and every episode it seems like Paige has to start at square one with Walter again and again and just it's really annoying how he didn't seem to listen to anything that she said and he tried to solve problems that she didn't need to be solved and by the end of this episode he kind of learned his lesson but not really which makes it even more annoying. And then I didn't really get the breaks down between Happy and Sylvester where they had Sylvester being the one to capture the rat and Happy being the one to track when the rat was coming and I understand it from the writing point of view because they wanted Sylvester to fall in the water but I feel like if it was in real life they wouldn't switch the rolls because Happy would have been able to catch the rat a lot easier so it just felt really weird in that whole scene. The truth coming out about what MI6 actually wanted the satellite for was a weird sort of twist ending but didn't seem really all that necessary and just felt like they could have come up with a better ending than that to explain why MI6 was there but still I guess I made sense for why they were keeping things so secretive. And just overall this was interesting and okay episode to watch.

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