Sunday, November 5, 2017

Wisdom of the Crowd Season 1 Episode 4 "User Bias" Review

The San Francisco P.D. comes to Tanner to get Sophe's help on a politically charged murder case.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that did a really nice job of having this kind of difficult storyline but organizing it in a really nice way. And I really liked what they decide to do with the idea of bias in this episode where the actual characters have to set aside their biases on people especially the victim in this episode and once they did that they started to see things in a different light and unravel the truth a lot better. And then along with that, they have Sophie getting this increasing flood of information that helps to reprogram her to sort through all the data and find only the stuff that is important to the case and that's a really helpful thing that will probably be useful in the future. And the actual truth around what this victim actually wanted in his murder was interesting with how the team discovered it where they look through all like the past interviews and stuff that he did and discover that he had a real fascination for other political protesters of the past like Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, and Gandhi and people like that and he made the comment that he's not really fascinated by them because of their views but because of the fact that they died a martyr essentially. And I enjoy the moments with Tanner this episode and him getting berated by a bunch of articles sort of degrading his daughter's image and him trying to figure out where these articles are coming from and why they're out there and that whole back trail part of this episode was interesting with what it revealed. Which was that the articles initially weren't supposed to be bashing on Tanner but on his ex-wife and because of the fact of what Tanner was up to at this point I'm at kind of hit him too. And just that whole scene with Tanner and his ex-wife in the car as he's trying to explain what all was going on with the stuff around Mia was such a well done seen with how everyone reacted to everything. And just overall this was a really great and really entertaining episode to watch.

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