Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Orville Season 1 Episode 7 "Majority Rule" Review

Kelly leads a team to find two missing Union anthropologists on a planet similar to Earth.

This was a really interesting and fun episode that had a lot of really great moments to it. Now to start off as I was watching this episode it reminded me a lot of the Black Mirror episode Nosedive where this whole society that they're trying to fit into bases everything off of a like system and in order to fit into certain places in society you need a certain amount of likes. But with that, I did really like what this episode did wear when you get a certain amount of dislikes big problems start to happen to you where they will take you to a place that will essentially reprogram your brain to become a vegetable. And when you do get this big traffic of dislikes you have to go on essentially a press tour to try and prove yourself as likable that was all really interesting and done really well. And I really enjoyed the whole final scene where they are trying to make lieutenant John likable to the public by posting a bunch of stuff about him that would make him seem popular. Then just overall this was a really great and fun episode to watch and see how everything turned out.

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