Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 5 "Damage" Review

Morgan Edge blames Lena for children getting sick from lead poisoning.

This was such a great and entertaining episode that was so much fun to see the story revolving a lot around Lena and showing her in a bit of a different light. And I really like that they did show again everyone's ideas on Lena where as soon as any sort story came out giving a possibility that Lena might be bad everyone jumped on board with the idea because of the fact that she's Luther. And I really enjoyed just seeing how Lena dealt with all the bad press around her where after she tried to do things in a proper business way to try in make up for all these different families pains and that didn't work out you could just see her soul dying at the idea that she's hurting a bunch of innocent children. And I don't really like the idea of this episode where they did play with the invention that was built in the last season finale where Lena released a whole bunch of lead into the air and they didn't really talk about much what that could due to humans all they really did was talk about what I would do to the Daxamites. I really enjoyed how they played with slowly revealing the truth of who is the villain actually was and why and how he was actually poisoning these kids. I really like that they had Lena be the one to confront him and the way that everything went down between Lena and Edge was really fun to see. And I really enjoyed the scene where Lena is on the plane and that's basically the only way that Supergirl knows that this plane is big trouble is the fact that she heard Lena's voice on the recorder. And then I really like the ending of this episode because again it played with the ideas of Samantha learning that she has these abilities were in the end of this episode it was finally shown that it isn't an accident or a slight chance of luck that saved her it actually is that she's bulletproof. And then just over all of this was a really amazing and so entertaining episode to watch them really excited to see where they're going to take the story next.

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