Saturday, December 2, 2017

Wisdom of the Crowd Season 1 Episode 9 "Proof of Concept" Review

Tanner receives an offer of new evidence in Mia’s case if Sophe can prove someone is innocent of murder; Tanner and Sara begin depositions with AllSourcer for the rights to Sara’s work and Sophe’s code.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that had a lot of really great moments to it. It was really interesting how they found all the clues leading to whether the person is a murderer or not. I don’t really care much for the way this show seems to be going because it really seems like they are using Sophe less and less with each episode and instead they seem to just keep stumbling upon the evidence they need. The whole episode was also written kind of weird with how much this potential murderer kept secret until it became a life or death kind of moment. Like the fact of her story where she stumbled upon her roommate already dead when she got home, even if I was drunk or high out of my mind I feel I would say that right away and not keep that part a secret. Then who the actual murderer was felt like a weird throwaway way to wrap the whole story up. The new evidence that Tanner received about Mia’s case was interesting because it did revile that there was more going on to Mia’s death than just a crime of passion. I did enjoy all the moments with the AllSourcer deposition and Sara share her story of how Sophe came to be. I also really enjoy the fact that AllSourcer doesn’t seem to mind playing dirty in order to get what they want and I’m excited to see where that might take the story in the future. And just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode to watch and see how everything turned out.

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