Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Librarians Season 3 Episode 6 "And the Trial of the Triangle" Review

In order to stop the spread of pure evil, the team must find the Eye of Ra and unravel the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle; Flynn must pass a series of tests.

This was a very interesting episode that was a little confusing at some parts but it was still really fun to watch. I did really like that in this episode they brought up a bit about some of the past librarians and a little history around that. Then I also really lie the idea that they went with for the Bermuda Triangle and they went with the thought that it is a wormhole to another dimension. I also liked that his whole episode revolved around teamwork and how Flynn is still struggling to work with the rest of the team. Now by the end of this episode, that problem with teamwork wasn't really all that fixed but it definitely looks like he's willing to work on it. I did really like that the other dimension had an Alice in Wonderland theme for it and when it is explained why it is there just for fun. It was a little weird how the team had this whole plan of what to do once they got on the plane to take care of themselves but for some reason, they didn't think about the other passengers until they were already on the plane. And I could have easily let that go with the thought that they were so wrapped up with planning it was one thing that slipped their mind but for the fact that they made such a big deal of trying to save everyone it seemed like it should have been a bigger deal before they got on the plane. I did like the distraction between Flynn and Eve to try and help the rest of the team get through the security with all their equipment. I find it kind of weird that Flynn doesn't really know Spanish because I felt like that should be easy for him, and they did give some reason but it was still odd. But I do have to say overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode.       

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Code Black Season 2 Episode 11 "Exodus" Review

A city-wide blackout leaves Angels Memorial without power or backup generators.

This was a really interesting episode that did a lot without over doing it. I did really like the idea of the blackout but the reason it caused them trouble was because of the boiler explosion all the way back in episode three that has yet to be fixed and ended up damaging the backup generator. That whole reason and the plan was a little strange but it still was pretty fun. I really liked the whole migration thing where all the noncritical patients are sent to walk down the street to the next closest medical facility. It was fun to see them all just slowly walking together and with the one guy high on pain medication for his kidney stone it made it a lot better. Then it interesting to see Leanne arguing with the doctor of this other medical facility about the best actions in healing all the patients.Then I liked the idea of having Jesse there and watching him and Campbell working together and Campbell realizing how much the ER needs Jesse around because he knows everything. Then Ethan working with the women who was slowly dying was very interesting with how eventually Dr.Nolan managed to convince him to go along with the old ladies fantasies. And just overall this was a really entertaining episode that ended on a very happy note.  

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 11 "Wreck the Halls" Review

Team Scorpion's mountain getaway on Christmas Eve turns deadly when they cross paths with gun-runners and Ralph is kidnapped.

This was a really interesting episode that had some weird turns that didn't make all that much sense and a lot of the problems in this episode came out from sheer coincidence. I did really like the idea of the team going on a technology free trip into the woods to celebrate Christmas. It was a little weird with the guy that they saved how quickly they came to trust him even though later that came back to bite them because they asked the wrong question to see whether he was good or bad. I did really like all the thing with Toby trying to make this a perfect Christmas for Happy and everything that went into that, it was especially nice because Happy was trying to do the same for him. A lot of the coincidence moments were things like when one of the gun runners just happens to see their government issue licenses plates just before he walks far enough to get jumped on by Cabe and Walter. Then they just happen to leave Ralph alone with the true bad guy,  and there just happens to be a strong enough fire causing the gun runner to find them. It was really cool how they managed to use the gun runners walkie talkies as a way to contact help when they are stuck in the cabin with the men with guns waiting outside and they had nothing. It was also really fun how they went all Home Alone style on the gun runners when they eventually tried to get into the house. I did really like the moment between Happy and Sylvester where she tells him to just be himself. I am really sad that Tim left because I was finally kind liked seeing him around. The change in tone between Walter and Tim at the end of this episode was a little strange but also kind of sweet. And I understand why he left because he truly is a leader and he can't be the leader of Walter's team so he needed to go somewhere else. And just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode.   

The Librarians Season 3 Episode 5 "And the Tears of a Clown" Review

The Librarians investigate a mysterious traveling carnival and discover how dangerous their collection of magical artifacts could be.

This was a really fun and entertaining episode that had a lot of really great moments to it. I really liked in the beginning of this episode how it was Jenkins going around the carnival looking for the librarians. I wish they could have done a bit more with Jenkins because it was really fun watching him run around kind of being a librarian himself. It was a little weird how the thing that woke the librarians up from the spell they were under was just some basic smelling salts. Then the main runner of the carnival his whole evil plan was a little weird because I understood it fine but why was it even really a thing. I was so cool to see Felicia because it was a complete surprise to me. The magical item in this episode was really cool for the fact that it was a brand new magical item so there was no record of what it could be. It was especially fun in the scene where Stone kept telling them what the item could be and later all the rest come to the same conclusion after completely ignoring him the whole time. The magical items abilities was a little weird because, on one hand, it did some basic mind control while it also turned people into clowns and did some other small things. I do have to say overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see the next one with what the preview was showing for it.       

Monday, December 19, 2016

Pure Genius Season 1 Episode 8 "Around the World in Eight Kidneys" Review

James and the surgeons of Bunker Hill try to make medical history with an organ transplant chain of 16 surgeries with donors and patients from all over the world.

This such an interesting and great episode that managed to have a lot of development in its characters even though with this episode they had to deal with a lot of characters. I really liked their whole set up of this international organ chain with that moment of all them speaking different languages and everything to get files and find people it was just so cool to see. And I really liked how each of the donors was a variety of different people all just wanting to help each other out. I really liked the mine lady and her daughter and just how willing the mother was to die a slow and painful death just so that her daughter could go and live her dreams as a dancer. And the whole device they worked on to help with her dialysis was kind of cool with how they eventually made it all work. Then Zoe doing all this stuff behind Walter's back just so she could save her patient I don't must care for because it was complete manipulation of another person. Then the truth about the secret patient was kind of cool because they did a really good job of keeping everything about the person a mystery. And the moments at the end of this episode were really great with all the people who needed kidneys meeting those who donated to them. And I really liked that the lady who was supposed to donate to Constance made the promise that once she was able to she would donate. And just overall this was a really sweet and entertaining episode to watch.       

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 10 "This Is the Pits" Review


Team Scorpion must rescue a woman trapped in the La Brea Tar Pits before she runs out of oxygen.

This was such a great episode with a kind of simple plot but it was done really well so it kind of made up for the fact that there isn't much there. The whole part about Walter doing all kinds of things to try and get Paige more interested in him again was funny with some of the things he did, but it was also a little annoying with how his opinion on whether to go after Paige or not keeps changing. Then it was also a little annoying that of course, something happened to Tim to give better reasons as to why he is still sticking around. I did really like all the mismatch of scuba gear and random things they used to make the best possible scuba suit for Walter to go down into the tar pits. Then all the other things they did to try and minimize burns was kind of interesting to watch. It was also very interesting the things this woman had in her car because I don't have like half of that stuff. I don't have a flair or athletic tape so if it were me in my car I would be fucked. The only thing I have that she did too was a flashlight. Then the scenes with Ralph and Paige's mother were really fun to watch the two of them working together to make some money. And just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode to watch.   

Monday, December 12, 2016

The Librarians Season 3 Episode 4 "And the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy" Review

After seeing a vision of her own death at the hands of a supernatural assassin, Baird attempts to stop the deadly prophecy from coming true.

This was a really great and interesting episode that had some twists to it and was really fun to watch. I really liked the idea at the beginning of this episode where the group wakes up and can't remember anything of what happened to them. The beginning scene where they were at the pizza place seemed a little weird because they could have gone anywhere and they chose to have the first encounter with the reaper be there. I really liked all the planning and explanation around the prophecy glass and cubes that were kind of cool to see that amount of detail in it. It was really weird how they used the prophecy glass however because they seemed to jump from not wanting to use it to using all the time to see what was behind the next door. Then I might have missed it but it really seemed like Cassandra just disappeared when they were at the pool and showed up again back at the Library. And I kind of wish they would have done a bit more with the side characters in this episode instead of them being more or less  like shadows to the rest of the group. I did really like that they brought up the fact that one of the side characters used the word prophecy glass before ever being told what that was, and leaving that as little clues to the truth. I did really love all the greek mythology throughout this episode connecting everything together. All the moments with Jenkins in this episode were really great to watch and see how his age or immortality fit into solving or creating problems in this episode. The hourglass was also really cool to watch Baird use it to help her in making life or death decisions because she can't die until the hourglass runs all the sand. And just overall this was a really great and interesting episode that was really a lot of fun to watch.        

Friday, December 9, 2016

Pure Genius Season 1 Episode 7 "A Bunker Hill Christmas" Review

When a young leukemia patient comes to Bunker Hill in need of a miracle, James hopes a new t-cell cancer treatment will save her life, as her optimism inspires him to become a better person. Also, Malik and Zoe agree to go on a date just as James confesses his feelings to her, and Julianna's Christmas visit with Walter uncovers the strain in their long-distance marriage.

This was a very interesting episode that had a lot of really great stories in it that were so much fun to watch. Madeline was such an interesting and great character that was in there to help out so many others by just being willing to listen to them. I liked the moment where she tries to get Zoe to sing along with her that was such a fun and sweet moment. Then the part with James finally telling Zoe how he feels was so sad because of the timing of it but it leaves be curious to know what would have been her answer if she hadn't already scheduled a date with Malik. Then the ending moment between Madeline and James was not all that surprising but it still was so sweet to watch and it made me cry seeing how happy she was. Then the whole relationship between Malik and Zoe I find really interesting, but I don't think it will last for very long. Giselle's whole story was also really cool to watch them working on ways to help her so she could go back to helping others. Then the whole relationship troubles between Julianna and Walter I can kind of understand them, but it was a little weird that she flipped her opinion in one night kind of. Then everything around Louis in this episode was a little sad because he has done all this waiting for a cure and now he just has to do more waiting because their cure hasn't been fully tested out yet to be able to go to human trials. And just overall this was a really entertaining and great episode. 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Code Black Season 2 Episode 10 "Ave Maria" Review

The doctors must treat Campbell's 13-year-old daughter when she arrives at the hospital after a seizure caused by spinal bifida; a deaf work addict and her translator seek medical assistance ate their car rolls over into the Los Angeles River.

This was a very interesting episode that went with having a lot of major stories to it so it was a little harder to follow than other episodes but it was still a really cool watch. The parts with the deaf lady and her translator were really cool to watch them trying to communicate with each other but still never fully hearing each other. And it was just fun to watch Elliot have to be the sort of go-between for both of them because he also knows sign language. Then Campbell's daughter was a very interesting story with what was all told around his life with her. But still, I have a hard time believing this whole time that he has had this very ill daughter at home. Yes, he did bring up the fact that she has learned since a young age to basically take care of herself, but still, things are just not adding up right in my mind for that. Then Ethan's whole storyline with his commander was interesting and I do wish we could have seen a bit more of them, but it did leave me curious to know if most of the relationship between the two of them is because Ethan can easily supply the officer with drugs. Then everything surrounding Guthrie in this episode was so interesting to watch all the massive fallout surrounding everything. And just overall this was a really great episode that left a lot of things open and I am really excited to see how everything turns out.    

Arrow Season 5 Episode 9 "What We Leave Behind" Review

After the attack on Curtis, Oliver realizes Prometheus is planning to make a deadly move on all of Team Arrow; Felicity and Malone find a clue that ties Prometheus to Oliver's past.

This was a very interesting episode that managed to reveals a lot and it had so many surprises that were really kind of cool to see. I did really like the beginning of this episode where Oliver and Thea are at the holiday party and Felicity is walking around introducing Billy to some of team Arrow kind of. Then along with that the other little holiday party that the rest of Team Arrow was having was having back at the base I liked how friendly they all were. The whole thing between Curtis and Paul is a little weird to me because I get where Paul is coming from but also it just because you are no long living together doesn't mean you'll stop worrying about him. I really liked the flashback moments back to like an episode in season one that I kind of can vaguely remember what all went down in that episode. It was just really cool to have the flashbacks not be from Oliver on the island it was something kind of different. The surprise of who Prometheus is was kind of cool and his whole plan is a little weird for there reasons behind it, but I also can't wait to see it all play out. The whole ending fight scene between the Green Arrow and Prometheus was really cool but how can you try and prove that Oliver is a killer when all you are doing is setting him up for the kill. Yes, I understand it from the public perspective it will be bad because they'll find the body with the Green Arrow's arrow in there, but still, I don't get it from Prometheus's view. Then Evelyn switching sides is just so weird to me because she did it because Oliver is a killer in her eyes but is she really forgetting about all the people Prometheus has killed or almost killed. The ending of this episode was so great and interesting and I'm so excited to see what will happen when the show comes back. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Flash Season 3 Episode 9 "The Present" Review

Barry heads for Earth-3 to get advice from Jay Garrick on how to stop Savitar; Wally tells Barry he's been training with H.R.; old wounds are reopened as Cisco faces Christmas without Dante.

This was such a great episode that had some parts that I didn't really care for but still it was so entertaining to watch everything go down. One thing that kind of bugged me but not drastically is how did the team not link Julian to maybe being Alchemy when they found out that Julian went on this expedition to find the stone Alchemy has. And like I said in one of my reviews for an episode earlier in this season I knew Barry was going to tell Julian that he is The Flash, and I still hate it because why can't one person stay oblivious to the truth. It was really cool that they brought up the voice change in Alchemy that I kind of noticed in the trailer for this episode. Wally telling the rest of the group about the fact that he was training with H.R. this quickly was so bad, not for the fact that it was obvious everyone would freak out, but for the fact Wally can't seem to keep a god damn secret. Like to the point that if Wally was real I wouldn't tell him anything private because he would just tell everyone else. It was kind of cool that they did show they this philosopher's stone does have some kind of mind control powers with what it did to Cisco in this episode, and it kind of help Wally's case when he went and got his powers it was because he was being controlled and not because he was super power hungry. I really love the scene where Barry goes to Earth-3 to get Jay it was just kind of cool to see that earth and The Trickster. Which the one thing that I kind of noticed is that everytime The Trickster is on he sounds more and more like The Joker from the animated Batman series. Which I am aware that they are the same person but still. The scene where Jay is fighting up against Savitar was so awesome with how everything was shown. It was really interesting how they decided to show us a bit of what's to come by sending Barry into the future. Which with that it was a little odd how Jay made this whole statement of how Speedsters can only travel to the past but not the future, but then how did Jay get there to save Barry. Because I understand Barry being there was an accident but Jay makes very little since. But I do have to say I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for it to come back so I can see how everything plays out.       

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 8 "The Laws of Inferno Dynamics" Review

With the lives of everyone in Los Angeles hanging in the balance, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Ghost Rider find themselves working together.

 This was a very interesting mid-season finale that had some really great moments to it but overall not a lot of story, it was more just cleaning things up. I did really did like that the director and Coulson sort of came out with the truth to each other about what they were doing and sort of how everything is connected. The scenes with Eli in this episode were very interesting to watch a see him slowly go more and more crazy with every minute. I really loved the scene where Daisy, Yo-yo, and Robbie going into the building to find Eli just to have the hallway light on fire, that was just such a cool moment to me. And with that, all the moments with Yo-yo in this episode were really great to see her using her speed to mess with things and put things in her favor. But I feel the writers and directors are stretching her abilities a bit too much to the point where it seems more like she has super-speed rather than a kind of like a spring back power. Then the almost dark matter like bomb that Eli had was pretty interesting even if I couldn't fully understand what it was. Aida in this episode was so good and with how this episode ended for her was so good and pretty much exactly how I thought her storyline would go, and I'm so excited to see more. The final fight scene with Eli was very interesting with all the different parts to it and it ended with a lot of things still up in the air. And just overall this was a great episode and I'm so excited to see what happens next when the show comes back.    

Monday, December 5, 2016

The Librarians Season 3 Episode 3 "And the Reunion of Evil" Review

A routine artifact retrieval becomes complicated when the artifact grafts itself to Cassandra; a blizzard forces Stone and Cassandra to take shelter at a mysterious hotel.

This was such a fun and great episode that had a lot of really great moments to it that were so funny. I really liked the beginning with Stone and Cassandra out in the winter storm trying to get the stone before the weather got worse. I like the idea of Cassandra using magic but I also understand why Stone is hesitant so letting her use it, which is why I really liked the needing of this episode where he explains why he doesn't like the idea of using magic. The frost giants were pretty cool especially in the moments where Stone didn't know what they were, but with that it did get a little tiresome and repetitive. The moment where they are all tied up and Stone is distracting the giants while Cassandra tries to escape was very cool with how he did the distraction. And I really loved the moment where Stone had to try and prove that he is a frost giant by convincing one of them that they are friends. I also really liked Ezekiel having to take care of Nessie's egg and just watching him grow to love this egg more and more as the episode goes on. Then the ending chunk where Stone and Cassandra are trying to escape back into the library was very funny with them never making it on time. And just overall this was a very funny and great episode to watch. 

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 10 "Wish You Were Here" Review

The Evil Queen uses Aladdin's lamp to make Emma's wish of never being the Savior come true, sending Emma to an alternate reality of the Enchanted Forest; Regina and David both make bold moves in order to try to find Emma; Gold and Belle receive surprising news about their son.

This was a very interesting episode that had some really great moments to it and some things were a little wired. When it was brought up that this episode was going to have Emma no longer being the savior I didn't know what to expect them to do. And what they did do was okay because I liked the idea that the enchanted forest was doing okay with Emma not being a savior but the fact that they made Emma such a weakling that just seemed so odd and not right, because you can still be a bad-ass princess and not be the savior. I liked the moments with Regina where she had to deal with everyone hating her again and she had to dress-up and play the role of the Evil Queen. Then it was kind of cool to see Henry as a knight and a little bit of a savior. The ending for Emma and Regina was really kind of weak because they missed their portal home just because Regina got distracted, Emma could have just shoved her in the portal or something instead of them both standing there yelling at each other. All the moments with the Evil Queen in this episode were okay to some degree or another. I did like the moment with the genie lamp and Regina reminds the Evil Queen that they are the same person so they both can use the genie's wishes. The moment with David fighting the Evil Queen really made very little to no sense at all. Gold and Belle in this episode seemed like a pretty cool storyline that I'm interested in seeing when the show comes back. And I did really like that they ended this first half of the season with relieving who it is under the hood that is destined to kill Emma. And just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode. 

Friday, December 2, 2016

Pure Genius Season 1 Episode 6 "Bunker Hill, We Have a Problem" Review

Walter and the Bunker Hill surgeons must perfect a revolutionary remote surgery when someone on the International Space Station needs an emergency procedure. Also, the team uses social media to locate the source of an E. coli outbreak in town; and Zoe and Malik's flirtation heats up.

This was a very interesting episode that going in I really didn't know what to expect and I was very pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed watching it. The whole idea about the ISS procedure was kind of cool to watch and see how everything went down. And I do have to agree with Walter that James wanting to stream the surgery live is not a goo idea for all the different things that could go wrong and hurt the reputation of Bunker Hill instead of growing it. I did kind of like the idea that the doctor on the ISS had to be his own nurse when it was discovered that he was ill but I also kind of feel bad for him because he had to be awake through all that pain. I was kind of hoping that James would've still streamed the surgery even though Walter told him not to, but the fact that he didn't is good and showing that he is growing as a character. The story with the E. coli was kind of cool to watch them working on how to fix everything and find the source of the E. coli. It was very interesting to see how they kind of hid the source of the E. coli outbreak until James figured it out because I came to the same conclusion at the same time he did because it made a lot of sense. The main couple that had the E. coli were a little hard to watch with how loving they were to each other, but the ending scene for them was really sweet. It was a little weird in the moment where Angie compared Dr. Scott's thing of always eating an apple and comparing it to being an addiction. And I was kind of waiting for something to happen because of Zoe and her lack of sleep but nothing did so I was a little disappointed that the idea that Zoe was really tired really was not all that important of a fact at all. And just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode to watch. 

Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 Episode 7 "Invasion!" Review

The Legends work with The Flash, Supergirl, and Green Arrow to kill the invaders; while working out how to defeat the Dominators, Stein gets distracted by the aberration he created in 1987.
This was a really interesting episode that did a great job of warping things up and end it all on a kind of happy note. I really liked seeing a bit of the time travel and how it affected the future. Again I feel really bad for Barry because even more problems emerge because of flash point. And basically, the only way to fix thing peacefully is for Barry to give up, which seemed a little weird because they never brought up this idea at any point earlier so it kind of came out of nowhere that the aliens are after Barry. I really liked the scenes with Dr. Stein getting to know his daughter and seeing just how similar she is to him. Oliver and Kara's relationship was a little hard to follow because did Oliver not like her just because she is New or was there something I missed in the conversation. I really loved watching the final fighting scene where there all battling the aliens in their own unique ways, and the aliens just sort of leaving because they are outsmarted I don't think that will last for very long. The agent guy they met I don't think he will say out of the picture for very long either especially when it comes to Barry. And just overall I really enjoyed this episode and it was so, much fun to watch.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Arrow Season 5 Episode 8 "Invasion!" Review

Oliver wakes up to a life in which his parents are alive and he is about to marry Laurel; Felicity faces a new threat with the help of The Flash and Supergirl.

This was a really interesting episode that had some moments that were really good and some that were a little weird. I really enjoyed seeing the shared world between Ray, Sara, Thea and Oliver and how they all fit into that world. The version of Laurel in this dream world was a little annoying but it also makes sense kind of because this version of Laurel hasn't seen several people she loves die or anything like that. And with that is was kind of cool to see some of the people who have died over the past seasons and for some they didn't really talk much but still, it was kind of cool to see them there. I also really loved seeing all the villains from the past seasons and see them have a little team up together to stop the four from escaping the dream world. I did feel really bad for Thea because I could understand why she didn't want to leave the dream world because if she did she would basically have to watch all these people die again. Roy remembering what the aliens were saying and then repeating it perfectly so that Gideon could translate it seemed a little impossible. Then all the moments with Team Arrow seemed so weird and just not right at all. I didn't much care for Curtis and Rory acting all obsessed over Barry and Kara. And I really didn't care for the one moment with Rene in this episode because I was completely okay with Rene not being a fan of aliens and metahumans, but the fact that he switches his opinion so quickly that really bugged me. He went from "superpowers are evil and I want nothing to do with them," to "if superpowers are a thing it's good there are people like you," a bit too quickly for it to be okay in my opinion just because Kara and Barry kind of saved him. But still, this was a really fun episode for the team up and celebration of the 100th episode of Arrow. And just overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see how everything ends.       

Code Black Season 2 Episode 9 "Sleight of Hand" Review

When a police officer arrives at the emergency room with an explosive bullet stuck in her leg, a risky operation is needed to be performed by Wills, Leanne and Jesse; a magician having difficulty breathing comes to Angel's memorial for help.

This was a very fun and entertaining episode that was also really sad to watch and it actually made me cry multiple times. I liked seeing the whole beginning scene where Wills and Nora are in the ambulance on the way to the shooting to help out the police officers that had been hit. It was so cool to see Nora reacting to being on the scene and having to do all this really quick stuff to save these three lives. The police officers who were injured each had some fairly interesting stories, but the main one of the three had to be the lady. The moment where the other officers carried her bed so that Wills could operate on her in an area where no one else could get hurt was one of the first moments that made me cry because it was so well done with how everything was shown. Then I loved the scene where Leanne and Jesse broke the rules and went in to help Wills do the surgery on the officer, and it was fun to see everyone applauding were they got the bullet out. The magician was really just there to add a bit of light into this otherwise really sad episode. Then the lady with lupus was such a great storyline that I kind of wish it could have been the highlight of a different episode. The ending with her brother was the other two scenes that made me cry because it was so touching to see how much the brother and sister actually loved each other. And just overall I really enjoyed this episode and it had a lot of really great moments to it.