Friday, December 2, 2016

Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 Episode 7 "Invasion!" Review

The Legends work with The Flash, Supergirl, and Green Arrow to kill the invaders; while working out how to defeat the Dominators, Stein gets distracted by the aberration he created in 1987.
This was a really interesting episode that did a great job of warping things up and end it all on a kind of happy note. I really liked seeing a bit of the time travel and how it affected the future. Again I feel really bad for Barry because even more problems emerge because of flash point. And basically, the only way to fix thing peacefully is for Barry to give up, which seemed a little weird because they never brought up this idea at any point earlier so it kind of came out of nowhere that the aliens are after Barry. I really liked the scenes with Dr. Stein getting to know his daughter and seeing just how similar she is to him. Oliver and Kara's relationship was a little hard to follow because did Oliver not like her just because she is New or was there something I missed in the conversation. I really loved watching the final fighting scene where there all battling the aliens in their own unique ways, and the aliens just sort of leaving because they are outsmarted I don't think that will last for very long. The agent guy they met I don't think he will say out of the picture for very long either especially when it comes to Barry. And just overall I really enjoyed this episode and it was so, much fun to watch.

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