Thursday, December 8, 2016

Arrow Season 5 Episode 9 "What We Leave Behind" Review

After the attack on Curtis, Oliver realizes Prometheus is planning to make a deadly move on all of Team Arrow; Felicity and Malone find a clue that ties Prometheus to Oliver's past.

This was a very interesting episode that managed to reveals a lot and it had so many surprises that were really kind of cool to see. I did really like the beginning of this episode where Oliver and Thea are at the holiday party and Felicity is walking around introducing Billy to some of team Arrow kind of. Then along with that the other little holiday party that the rest of Team Arrow was having was having back at the base I liked how friendly they all were. The whole thing between Curtis and Paul is a little weird to me because I get where Paul is coming from but also it just because you are no long living together doesn't mean you'll stop worrying about him. I really liked the flashback moments back to like an episode in season one that I kind of can vaguely remember what all went down in that episode. It was just really cool to have the flashbacks not be from Oliver on the island it was something kind of different. The surprise of who Prometheus is was kind of cool and his whole plan is a little weird for there reasons behind it, but I also can't wait to see it all play out. The whole ending fight scene between the Green Arrow and Prometheus was really cool but how can you try and prove that Oliver is a killer when all you are doing is setting him up for the kill. Yes, I understand it from the public perspective it will be bad because they'll find the body with the Green Arrow's arrow in there, but still, I don't get it from Prometheus's view. Then Evelyn switching sides is just so weird to me because she did it because Oliver is a killer in her eyes but is she really forgetting about all the people Prometheus has killed or almost killed. The ending of this episode was so great and interesting and I'm so excited to see what will happen when the show comes back. 

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