Thursday, December 1, 2016

Arrow Season 5 Episode 8 "Invasion!" Review

Oliver wakes up to a life in which his parents are alive and he is about to marry Laurel; Felicity faces a new threat with the help of The Flash and Supergirl.

This was a really interesting episode that had some moments that were really good and some that were a little weird. I really enjoyed seeing the shared world between Ray, Sara, Thea and Oliver and how they all fit into that world. The version of Laurel in this dream world was a little annoying but it also makes sense kind of because this version of Laurel hasn't seen several people she loves die or anything like that. And with that is was kind of cool to see some of the people who have died over the past seasons and for some they didn't really talk much but still, it was kind of cool to see them there. I also really loved seeing all the villains from the past seasons and see them have a little team up together to stop the four from escaping the dream world. I did feel really bad for Thea because I could understand why she didn't want to leave the dream world because if she did she would basically have to watch all these people die again. Roy remembering what the aliens were saying and then repeating it perfectly so that Gideon could translate it seemed a little impossible. Then all the moments with Team Arrow seemed so weird and just not right at all. I didn't much care for Curtis and Rory acting all obsessed over Barry and Kara. And I really didn't care for the one moment with Rene in this episode because I was completely okay with Rene not being a fan of aliens and metahumans, but the fact that he switches his opinion so quickly that really bugged me. He went from "superpowers are evil and I want nothing to do with them," to "if superpowers are a thing it's good there are people like you," a bit too quickly for it to be okay in my opinion just because Kara and Barry kind of saved him. But still, this was a really fun episode for the team up and celebration of the 100th episode of Arrow. And just overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see how everything ends.       

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