Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Flash Season 3 Episode 9 "The Present" Review

Barry heads for Earth-3 to get advice from Jay Garrick on how to stop Savitar; Wally tells Barry he's been training with H.R.; old wounds are reopened as Cisco faces Christmas without Dante.

This was such a great episode that had some parts that I didn't really care for but still it was so entertaining to watch everything go down. One thing that kind of bugged me but not drastically is how did the team not link Julian to maybe being Alchemy when they found out that Julian went on this expedition to find the stone Alchemy has. And like I said in one of my reviews for an episode earlier in this season I knew Barry was going to tell Julian that he is The Flash, and I still hate it because why can't one person stay oblivious to the truth. It was really cool that they brought up the voice change in Alchemy that I kind of noticed in the trailer for this episode. Wally telling the rest of the group about the fact that he was training with H.R. this quickly was so bad, not for the fact that it was obvious everyone would freak out, but for the fact Wally can't seem to keep a god damn secret. Like to the point that if Wally was real I wouldn't tell him anything private because he would just tell everyone else. It was kind of cool that they did show they this philosopher's stone does have some kind of mind control powers with what it did to Cisco in this episode, and it kind of help Wally's case when he went and got his powers it was because he was being controlled and not because he was super power hungry. I really love the scene where Barry goes to Earth-3 to get Jay it was just kind of cool to see that earth and The Trickster. Which the one thing that I kind of noticed is that everytime The Trickster is on he sounds more and more like The Joker from the animated Batman series. Which I am aware that they are the same person but still. The scene where Jay is fighting up against Savitar was so awesome with how everything was shown. It was really interesting how they decided to show us a bit of what's to come by sending Barry into the future. Which with that it was a little odd how Jay made this whole statement of how Speedsters can only travel to the past but not the future, but then how did Jay get there to save Barry. Because I understand Barry being there was an accident but Jay makes very little since. But I do have to say I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for it to come back so I can see how everything plays out.       

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