Monday, December 5, 2016

The Librarians Season 3 Episode 3 "And the Reunion of Evil" Review

A routine artifact retrieval becomes complicated when the artifact grafts itself to Cassandra; a blizzard forces Stone and Cassandra to take shelter at a mysterious hotel.

This was such a fun and great episode that had a lot of really great moments to it that were so funny. I really liked the beginning with Stone and Cassandra out in the winter storm trying to get the stone before the weather got worse. I like the idea of Cassandra using magic but I also understand why Stone is hesitant so letting her use it, which is why I really liked the needing of this episode where he explains why he doesn't like the idea of using magic. The frost giants were pretty cool especially in the moments where Stone didn't know what they were, but with that it did get a little tiresome and repetitive. The moment where they are all tied up and Stone is distracting the giants while Cassandra tries to escape was very cool with how he did the distraction. And I really loved the moment where Stone had to try and prove that he is a frost giant by convincing one of them that they are friends. I also really liked Ezekiel having to take care of Nessie's egg and just watching him grow to love this egg more and more as the episode goes on. Then the ending chunk where Stone and Cassandra are trying to escape back into the library was very funny with them never making it on time. And just overall this was a very funny and great episode to watch. 

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