Sunday, July 31, 2016

Arrow Season 4 Episode 15 "Taken" Review

Oliver calls in his old friend Vixen for help in fighting Darhk, while Thea has a heart-to-heart talk with Malcolm.

This was an amazing episode that had a lot of parts to it that managed to fit together really well and not end up as a giant knot of plots. The whole idea of bringing in Vixen to fight a little bit of magic with magic was so great because I have always had this thing in the back of my mind saying that if there going to continue on this storyline of magic that Oliver is on they will eventually need to introduce Vixen and Swamp Thing to help even things out, and they did.Thea's whole conversation with Malcolm went about as well as I was expecting it to go, but I did enjoy line line at the end with Malcolm saying "It's better to have you alive and hate me, then to have you love me and dead." That is just a line that really stuck in my mind. It was really weird seeing how calm William seemed to be with everything it was kind of like he didn't notice he was kidnapped at all. And when his mother was explaining her whole side of the story William's emotions seemed to not fit that at all. Darhk no longer having powers is interesting because I don't think that is going to last very long because there are quite a few episodes left in this season and I don't think he is going to last very long without at least a little magic. Then the ending with Felicity I was not expecting and when she just gets up and walks away is really impossible because it seemed like she had just gained the feeling back in her legs and then she gets up and walks without any problem which is just impossible. Overall this was a really great episode that I really did enjoy.   

The Flash Season 2 Episode 15 "King Shark" Review

When King Shark escapes from an A.R.G.U.S. holding tank, Lyla and Diggle travel to Central City to warn The Flash. King Shark shows up at the West house and attacks Joe, Iris, Wally, and Barry.

This was a really great and interesting episode that was sort of the recovery episode for the previous episode. I like the idea of bringing back King Shark because he was given so little time the last time we saw him that it made him seem so unimportant. Then also having Lyla and Diggle there to help out was also fun. I wish they would have shown a point in the end of this episode or in the following Arrow episode where Felicity calls Barry to talk like Diggle promised he would get Felicity to do. All the scenes with Barry and Wally were awkward because of the fact all of them are hiding who Barry actually is from Wally because he is the only one who doesn't know. Then the scenes with Cisco and Catlin were also great with how they eventually ended their conversation with Catlin messing with Cisco. It was also funny how much Dr. Wells pressured all of them to not talk about what they saw on Earth 2, but in the end neither Cisco or Barry listened because both of them eventually told someone about what they saw. And the ending of this episode was not what I was expecting because I expected Jay to be Zoom but not in the way it turned out to be. Overall this was a really great episode with a lot of fun moments to it. 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Code Black Season 1 Episode 18 "Blood Sport" Review

Mario confronts Angus about his Adderall abuse and Christa is surprised to learn how romantically involved Neal and Grace were before she left for Haiti. Also, Dr. Mark Taylor (Kevin Dunn) returns to help Leanne find the money in their budget to keep Jesse and the nurses from walking out.

This was a really great episode especially to end this first season. It was a really great episode with all these extra people moving around because of the two possible candidates for governor were both injured and need help. The ending connection between the two candidate families was a nicely written part with who in each family ended up dead but there is one of them who I wished didn't die because they never really show them and I wish I could have gotten to know them as well. I liked finally hearing Grace's story about her time in Haiti as well as how her relationship with Neal ended. The whole plane to get more nurses still felt a little weird because up until these past two episodes it didn't feel like they had a shortage of nurses at all. And if it's a brand new change it's never explained, it's just a statement said at one point that they need more nurses. I hope that Christa and Neal's relationship doesn't last because it feels a little weird, but it also seemed to end in this episode because of a really stupid reason. Overall this was a really great finale that didn't really feel like a finale until the very end.  

Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 18 "Ruby Slippers" Review

In flashbacks, Ruby and Mulan find themselves in Oz, where they meet Dorothy. After the three witness Zelena's return to Oz, they look for a way to defeat her once and for all. However, Dorothy mysteriously disappears.

This was a really great episode that took a little bit of a different branch of this whole main story that I really kind of enjoyed. I loved having Ruby back in the main story slightly because she hasn't been in there very much and any recent time. And to see what she and Mulan had been up to and for some reason they randomly showed up in Oz and run into Dorothy was really kind of great I don't know why but I just really enjoyed it. And I also really like the whole part where it was a choice that either Charming or Snow White had to leave the underworld and go back home and just back and forth of trying to pick who it is but had to leave was in my mind a kind of boring concept but they actually made it kind of interesting. And then the whole part with Zelena and Hades and all the stuff with them was also really interesting and I'm kind of becoming a big fan of Hade's because he's just doing his job to some extent and all the rest of the heroes are just getting in the way. I wasn't a big fan of seeing Cruella again and I kind of hope that she doesn't come back because she's kind of annoying in this whole story. I would much rather see Ursula then her. And I did like that they keep going back and showing Henry doing his job as the author and that's really helping bring hope to the rest of the heroes down in the Underworld. Belle's story in this episode is also interesting with how it ended. And I kind of can't wait to see what that's all going to end up bringing for Rumpelstiltskin's future. Overall this was a really great episode that I really love.

Gotham Season 2 Episode 15 "Mad Grey Dawn" Review

Gordon and Bullock investigate a trail of clues left in a museum robbery which unbeknownst to them were left by Nygma in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Gordon's past comes back to haunt him when an anonymous person threatens to expose his hand in Galavan's murder. Meanwhile, Penguin's visit to some old friends leads him to meet his father Elijah Van Dahl (Paul Reubens). and Bruce practices his street smarts.

This was a really great episode, especially for the Riddler. Because they did such a good job at introducing him at finally being the Riddler and him basically doing his own plan all in one episode which is kind of amazing for the Riddler. Just having him doing this plan to try and get rid of Gordon and so Gordon can't eventually accuse Nygma of the actual main crime he did was really amazing. Then also having all the scenes with Bruce out there in the city of Gotham with Catwoman was interesting with how he went about doing stuff and the fact that the one where it seems that he's addicted to pain is kind of weird but I guess. And then Penguins whole scenes in this episode was also weird with how everything just went down, with all his old friends thought he was a joke, and then all the sudden he meets his dad and it is like kind of accepted into this family he never knew he had instantly. I really want to see more of Gordon in prison and the next episode because I want to see a different side of him besides the police officer Gordon that and we have seen most of the time I want to see more of the killer Gordon that Gotham has changed him to be. But then I also want to see all the rest of the people working to try and free him and prove him innocent even though he's not. I really want to know what Penguins whole family's main plot is because I feel like they're hiding something. And I enjoyed seeing Bruce on the streets but I also don't think he belongs there. But it does work for his whole set-up to what he will become in the future. And just overall this was a really amazing episode that I love so much.

Arrow Season 4 Episode 14 "Code of Silence" Review

Team Arrow uncovers HIVE's plan to take them out for good, leading Lance to wonder if Donna is better off without him and Oliver to consider telling Felicity about his son.

This was a really interesting and great episode. I really enjoyed the whole story with it being Oliver and Felicity engagement party. And just having Felicity's mom taking over basically everything and trying to make this party be slightly about Felicity and Oliver but it's more about Felicity's Mom and all her hopes and dreams. All the parts with Darhk trying to finally take out Lance we're also really cool because I enjoyed the group that he had brought in to do it. Because the fact that they had these explosions that we're a bit different and like one explosion would go off then another then another. I wish we could have seen more of the actual debate between Darhk's wife and Oliver because they built it up as this big event but then it was like it's happening now it's over and you didn't get to see any of the parts in between. Because I would actually like to see the two of them talk about what they want to do for the city. But all the moments with him being the Green Arrow in this episode were also really great, and I really kind of like the idea of the relationship between Lance and Felicity's mom. Then the ending with Curtis's gift to Felicity was so sweet and amazing. Overall I really enjoyed this episode they had some pretty great moments do it.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 15 "Spacetime" Review

When Daisy gets a horrifying glimpse of the future, S.H.I.E.L.D. races to prove that fate is not fixed.

This was a really interesting episode that I enjoyed. The whole concept of having Daisy be able to see the future and the whole team working with that to better their missions and plan out how to make everything work. Especially the whole thing that they kept going back to where they were training May to go and fight some of the other people by practicing it. And Daisy would be watching over to make everything work out the way she saw it. But I did also enjoy that they did have the other side with Fitz saying that once you see the future it is sort of set in stone and you can't change it so all their plans are trying to change up the future wouldn't work, I enjoy that they did have that side to the story as well. The ending was done really well with everything Daisy saw coming true. I am curious though with the guy that helped Daisy to see the future if he could see the future without touching someone or the only time his powers ever work as one he was touching someone else because then could like he ever see his own future or was he just always other people because that was the person he was touching, so I kind of wish I would have found out more about but I guess that's not going to happen. It was interesting to see this new better version of Ward butt it was also a little odd to see him doing all this stuff and like trying to build up his other guy who sort of like his boss but not really but building him up because this really more powerful person just end up ditching him at the end of the episode felt really kind of weird. But overall I really enjoyed this episode and thought it took a little bit different turn on the story that turned out to be really well done.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Scorpion Season 2 Episode 20 "Djibouti Call" Review

Scorpion is sent on a secret mission to Djibouti, Africa. Cabe is captured. The Team must save him. While Walter has suspicions about the purpose of the mission and concerns over Paige's interest in new Homeland protégé, Tim Armstrong.

This was a really interesting episode that took a little bit of a different turn to the show. I really enjoyed the idea of bringing in someone new to the group because everything was getting a bit too comfortable and the group needs a bit of discomfort when there back at the main base. And I really like Tim and I hope he sticks around because I'm not a big fan of Paige and Walter being together with how Walter is acting right now but maybe he will change a bit with Tim getting in between the two of them.I was really hoping for this episode to be about Cabe and Tim going out on their own mission without the team, but that didn't work out and they all got involved in the greater mission fairly quickly. And the whole undercover part of this mission with everyone working there individual parts was done really well in how everyone was split up into groups of two. I really wish to learn more about Tim and like I said I really just want to see more of him. Overall this was a really great episode that I really enjoyed.    

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Flash Season 2 Episode 14 "Escape from Earth-2" Review

On Earth-2, the team asks for help from an unexpected source to find Zoom's lair, while on Earth-1, Caitlin tries to perfect Velocity-9 so Jay can stop the Geomancer.

This was a really great episode that did a great job at showing both Earth 1 and Earth 2 equally. It was really fun to see Jay work on getting his speed back and him and Caitlin working together to better the Velocity serum. But for some reason in this episode, the Geomancer seemed a little pointless in my mind for some reason. He just seemed to get thrown in at moments when Jay needed him to be there and that was it, it just felt a little weird for me. Then Earth 2 was also really great with Wells and Cisco going to Killer Frost for help and I really wish to see more of her in the future. The moments with Wells's daughter and Barry being trapped together with the mysterious other person was also really great and I really want to know who that other person was. And if what they were trying to tell Barry is that Jay is Zoom. Overall I really loved this episode and I can't wait to see the next one. 

Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 17 "Her Handsome Hero" Review

Belle turns to Rumplestiltskin with hope of finding a way to protect their child from Hades. However, they disagree over whether to use dark magic, as Belle forbids Rumplestiltskin from using his powers for evil.

This was a really good episode but not the greatest of episodes. I really enjoyed seeing Gaston in this episode and seeing how the writers decided to take his character. And they did so well because for all intensive purposes Gaston is a prince charming made out to be a villain in the Beauty and the Beast storyline. The writers did an amazing job at showing this very prince charming side to Gaston that by the end I was falling in love with him. It was also really nice to see a bit more flashbacks of Belle because there haven't been much on her backstory before she met Rumple until this episode. The whole part with Emma kind of seeing the future was really boring. And the only really great part I can think of for this episode where all the moments with Gaston, and the dinner scene with Zelena and Regina. Overall this episode felt really long and seemed to have very little point to it.   

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Scorpion Season 2 Episode 19 "Ticker" Review

When Los Angeles' blood supply is hacked and deemed unusable because of fear it's been tainted, Team Scorpion must find the culprit in order to save a young girl in desperate need of a heart transplant.

This was a really great episode that did a great job at introducing characters and making everything come full circle at the end. The beginning where Walter gets into a car accident is a great example of this where that accident helps to get the team to the hospital as well as introduce them to Olivia the girl who needs a heart transplant. Just the whole flow of this episode was really great. I really enjoyed the part where Toby has to analyze the main guy who caused all the problems with the blood to be able to find the code to fix all the problems. The scene with the team have to get the blood back from the truck while it was on the road was also really great. I'm curious to know how realistic it is that a team would start surgery on someone without the blood needed being there. And the ending where the whole team waited the 12 hours with Olivia's mother was really sweet and a great moment. And then the lesson that Walter learned from this episode which was to make every moment count was really sweet. Overall I really loved this episode.    

Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 14 "Watchdogs" Review

Agent Mack and his brother step in when a radical group called the Watchdogs plan to eliminate the Inhumans; Simmons finds a powerful chemical compound.

This was a really great that showed a little bit different side of many of the characters. I really liked seeing another side of Mack because up until this point most of life was a mystery to me. I was really sad again when they kept bringing up Hunter and Bobbi because that really is a wound in my heart that I want to heal and not keep getting reopened. So hopefully in each episode, they don't keep bringing it up. The scenes with Coulson and Lincoln were not really what I was expecting, but one of the lines were very true that Lincoln is really only there for Dasiy. It was also a little weird to see a different side of Coulson when he was talking to Felix Blake. And it was nice in my mind that they eventually did show Felix in a wheelchair because when they first showed him fully standing I was a little turned away because there was no way he could have made a full recovery after what Deathlok did to him. Overall this was a very enjoyable watch.     

Friday, July 8, 2016

Code Black Season 1 Episode 17 "Love Hurts" Review

Christa must put aside her personal feelings for Grace and work with her to treat Brody, a patient who claims to have been abused at a camp for troubled teens. Also, Grace is surprised when Campbell asks her out.

This was a very interesting episode that was very entertaining. I really enjoyed the whole zombie con accident and the joke that went along with it were one of the doctors say "I don't know which injuries are fake and which ones are real." I feel like Angus and him taking those pills is going to eventually come back to bite him in some way or another. I really don't know how I feel about Grace because at some moments I really find her annoying, but at others, I want to find out more about her. I really love the scene where Campbell is telling the little girl the story about the princess, it was really nice to see a side of him that wasn't really grumpy. The two VIP people I also didn't really know I to feel about them because I enjoyed some parts of their story but for the most part I was really bored of them. Brody's whole story was really well done because it was really well done in not revealing the truth until the end. Overall I really enjoyed this episode And I can't wait for the next one.   

Gotham Season 2 Episode 14 "The Ball of Mud and Meanness" Review

Alfred and Selina help Bruce on his quest to find his parents' killer Matches Malone. Meanwhile, Gordon follows up with Edward Nygma on Kristin Kringle's whereabouts. Hugo Strange continues his treatment to reduce Penguin's aggression.

This was a really interesting and really well done episodes. in the past episodes there really seemed to be one story plot that was better then all the others and really seemed to be better organized, but in this episode every switch of character seemed to be just as well done. I loved the parts with Nygma and the growing fear that he has that everyone else is going to find out the truth about Kringle. And it was just great to see the more Riddeler side of him. I actually enjoyed watching Bruce in this episode because him and Alfred actually going out into the city and watching them interacting with the other citizens was really funny. Then in the end when Bruce finally confronted Matches it was really great that he chose the path of revenge that he did and I'm curious to see how that death might weigh on him in the future. And I'm curious to see of Bruce and Alfred's relationship might be altered after how this episode ended. I don't think Bruce will manage to live outside of the mansion for very long but we'll see. Then Dr. Strange and Penguin were really fun to see Penguin have to go through all these test and eventually end up being able to leave because he was deemed as cured. Overall this was a really great episode that I really enjoyed watching.