Thursday, July 28, 2016

Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 18 "Ruby Slippers" Review

In flashbacks, Ruby and Mulan find themselves in Oz, where they meet Dorothy. After the three witness Zelena's return to Oz, they look for a way to defeat her once and for all. However, Dorothy mysteriously disappears.

This was a really great episode that took a little bit of a different branch of this whole main story that I really kind of enjoyed. I loved having Ruby back in the main story slightly because she hasn't been in there very much and any recent time. And to see what she and Mulan had been up to and for some reason they randomly showed up in Oz and run into Dorothy was really kind of great I don't know why but I just really enjoyed it. And I also really like the whole part where it was a choice that either Charming or Snow White had to leave the underworld and go back home and just back and forth of trying to pick who it is but had to leave was in my mind a kind of boring concept but they actually made it kind of interesting. And then the whole part with Zelena and Hades and all the stuff with them was also really interesting and I'm kind of becoming a big fan of Hade's because he's just doing his job to some extent and all the rest of the heroes are just getting in the way. I wasn't a big fan of seeing Cruella again and I kind of hope that she doesn't come back because she's kind of annoying in this whole story. I would much rather see Ursula then her. And I did like that they keep going back and showing Henry doing his job as the author and that's really helping bring hope to the rest of the heroes down in the Underworld. Belle's story in this episode is also interesting with how it ended. And I kind of can't wait to see what that's all going to end up bringing for Rumpelstiltskin's future. Overall this was a really great episode that I really love.

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